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Private (United States)

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  • Private First Class Robert E. Simanek (1930 - 2022)
    Robert Ernest Simanek (26 April 1930 – 1 August 2022) was a United States Marine and a recipient of the United States military's highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, for his actions during the Kor...
  • PFC Jacklyn H. Lucas (USMC), Medal of Honor (1928 - 2008)
    First Class Jacklyn Harold Lucas (14 February 1928 – 5 June 2008) was a United States Marine who received the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions during the Iwo Jima campaign — for unhesitatingly hur...

A private is a soldier, usually with the lowest rank in many armies. Soldiers with the rank of private may be conscripts or they may be professional (career) soldiers.

The term derives from the medieval term "private soldiers" (a term still used in the British Army), contrasting mercenary soldiers and denoting individuals who were either exclusively hired, conscripted, or mustered into service by a feudal nobleman commanding a battle group of an army.