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Reference Maps of South Carolina

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This is not a project for profiles, but one to collect reference links and historical maps for comparison to assist with genealogical research in the state of South Carolina.

Geographical and political boundaries have played a tremendous part in the history of South Carolina.

From Regions and Places in South Carolina :

The Blue Ridge Region is mountainous and has many hardwood forests, streams, and waterfalls.

The Piedmont Region is the foothills of the mountains and includes rolling hills and many valleys. The region was once a productive farming area but poor farming practices led to the erosion of the topsoil. The red clay that was left is not good for farming. Waterfalls and swift flowing rivers provided the water power for early mills and the textile industry.

The Sand Hills Region is the region that in ancient times was the seacoast and therefore includes relatively flat lands with sandy soil that is not good for growing crops. The Sand Hills region follows the fall zone of the state’s rivers where a drop in elevation results in rapids.

The Coastal Plain includes the Inner Coastal Plain and the Outer Coastal Plain and makes up two-thirds of South Carolina. Large stands of trees promoted the development of timbering in the region. Well-drained soil, sufficient annual rainfall and a long growing season promoted agriculture.

The Coastal Zone is a ten mile wide stretch of land from the Atlantic coast inland. It includes barrier islands that protect the coast from erosion due to tides and storms. The coastal zone includes a number of natural harbors. It also includes marshes that were used for growing rice during the 1700s. Today, the region relies heavily on the tourism industry which includes historic sites, golf, and the beach itself.

South Carolina History and Geography

SC in the American Revolution - Parishes and Districts

Pre-Revolutionary List of Parishes and Churches in South Carolina

Scenic Rivers and Watersheds

Map of South Carolina Native American Tribes

South Carolina County Maps

Historical South Carolina County Maps

Carolana Site (North and South Carolina before 1729

Almost Everything You Wanted to Know about SC - contains exceptional maps of South Carolina and sites

Maps including list of burned court houses in South Carolina

Please add additional maps, charts, or lists that will provide clarity to genealogical research and assistance with disambiguation.