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Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Ross County, Ohio.

Official Website

Ross County was described by Ephraim George Squier and Edwin Hamilton Davis as having almost "one hundred enclosures of various sizes, and five hundred mounds" in their book, Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley (1848). They described the Indian-built earthworks as ranging from five to 30 feet in size, and enclosures of one to 50 acres large. These included Serpent Mound, Fort Ancient, Mound City, and Seip Earthworks (both now part of Hopewell Culture National Historical Park), and Newark Earthworks.

Established on August 20, 1798, the county is named for Federalist Senator James Ross of Pennsylvania.

For a complete list of Townships & Communities, please see Wikipedia.

Adjacent Counties

Cities & Villages

  • Adelphi
  • Bainbridge
  • Chillicothe (County Seat)
  • Clarksburg
  • Frankfort
  • Kingston
  • South Salem


Cemeteries of Ohio


Genealogy Trails

National Register of Historic Places

Ross County Historical Society

Ross county Genealogical Society

Genealogy Express

Roots Web