Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Rusk County, Wisconsin.
Official Website
Founded in 1901, Rusk County was originally named Gates County after Milwaukee land speculator James L. Gates. It was renamed Rusk County in 1905 after Jeremiah M. Rusk, governor of Wisconsin and the first U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. It was formed out of the northern portion of Chippewa County.
Adjacent Counties
Cities, Towns, and Communities
Apollonia | Atlanta | Bear Lake | Big Bend | Big Falls| Bruce | Cedar Rapids | Conrath | Crane | Dewey | Egypt | Flambeau | Glen Flora | Grant | Grow | Hawkins | Horseman (Varner) | Hubbard | Imalone | Ingram | Island Lake | Jerome | Kalish | Ladysmith (County Seat) | Lawrence | Mandowish |Marshall | Murry | Poplar/Beldonville | Port Arthur | Pre Bram | Richland | Rusk | Shaws Farm | Sheldon | South Fork | Strickland | Stubbs | Teresita | Thornapple | Tibbets |Tony | True | Vallee View/Walrath | Washington | West Ingram | Weyerhaeuser | Wilkinson | Willard | Wilson | Wilson Center/Dogville (Starez)
National Register of Historic Places
Rusk County Historical Society Museum