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Scottish National Heros

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  • George Gordon, 6th Lord Byron (1788 - 1824)
    After Shelley’s death Giovanni Batista Falcieri or Tita accompanied Byron to Missolonghi, where Byron died in Tita’s arms in April 1824. As Count Pietro described it: At four o’clock, after this consu...
  • Robert Burns (1759 - 1796)
    Robert Burns's right name was Burness. but he and his brother Gilbert agreed to drop Burness and assume Burns in April 1786. Robert Burns was a Freemason, and remained so, all of his adult Life. He w...
  • Eric Liddell "The Flying Scotsman" (1902 - 1945)
    ERIC HENRY LIDDELL Scottish Olympic Gold Medalist Runner; Rugby Union International Player; and Christian Missionary Eric Henry Liddell was born in China to Scottish missionary parents. He attended boa...