This project looks at the passengers who came from England to Massachusetts in 1630.
Name: "Lyon" [Ships] Given Name: "Lyon" Surname: [Ships] Nickname: Lyon Sex: M Birth: Bet 1630 and 1632 Event: Master: Captain William Peirce Fact Event: First Departure Event Mar 1630 Bristol, , Gloucestershire, England Event: First Arrival Event May 1630 Salem, Massachusetts Bay Colony Event: Second Departure Event 1631 London, England Event: Second Arrival Event 2 Nov 1631 Nantasket, Massachusetts Bay Colony Event: Third Departure Event Feb 1632 London, England Event: Third Arrival Event May 1632 Boston, Massachusetts Bay Colony Event: Fourth Detarture Event 22 Jun 1632 London, England Event: Fourth arrival Event 16 Sep 1632 Boston, Massachusetts Bay Colony Note: LYON.
This ship was famous in the history of the early emigratio n to Massachusetts, and her Master was equally noted for hi s skillful seamanship and his sympathy with the policy of t he Puritan leaders. In 1630, 1631, and 1632 she made four v oyages hither in quick succession under his command with th e regularity and safety of a ferry, and on one of them save d the new settlement from starvation and death by her timel y arrival with provisions and anti-scorbutics. The officia l connection of the "Lyon" with the Winthrop Fleet is of th e same character as related of the "Mary and John", as bot h were doubtless approved by the Governor and Assistants. I n his letter of March 28, 1630, to his wife, written from t he "Arbella", off the Isle of Wight, after noting the saili ng of the "Mary and John", Winthrop wrote: 'and the ship wh ich goes from Bristowe (Bristol) carrieth about eighty pers ons', This was the "Lyon" and she probably sailed from tha t port to accommodate passengers living in the West Countie s -- Lancashire, Cheshire, Warwick, Gloucestershire, and So merset. That they were authorized to settle in the limits o f the Bay Patent seems assured as there is no evidence to t he contrary following their arrival. The date of her depart ure is not known (probably in March) but her arrival at Sal em is reported in the latter part of May' some time befor e the "Arbella" reached that port. The identity of this shi p is not established as there were several of her name in e xistence at that period. In view of her valuable services t o the Colony it is to be hoped that the necessary search ma y be made to fix her home port, previous history, tonnage , and ownership. Of Captain William Peirce, her Master, mor e particulars are known. He had sailed to Plymouth in 162 3 as Master of the "Anne" of London, bringing the last lo t of passengers to the Pilgrim settlement. He was then a re sident of Ratcliffe, parish of Stepney, London, and at tha t date was about thirty-one years old. He made a voyage t o Salem in 1629 as Master of the "Mayflower" (not the Pilgr im ship) and thereafter he was in constant traffic in passe ngers and merchandise across the Atlantic. He took up his r esidence in Boston in 1632 and was admitted freeman May I4 , 1634. His wife, Bridget, joined the church February 2, 16 32/3; perhaps a second wife, as a William Peirce, mariner o f Whitechapel, was licensed in 1615 to marry Margaret Gibbs . Whitechapel and Stepney are adjoining parishes. He becam e a Town and Colony official and was engaged In coastwise s hipping thereafter. He compiled an Almanac for New Englan d which was the second issue in 1639 from the Daye press a t Cambridge. In 1641 he was killed by the Spaniards while o n a voyage to the island of New Providence, Bahamas Group , whither he was taking passengers for settlement.
The second voyage of the "Lyon"
From http://www.packrat-pro.com/ships/lyon2.htm:
The Lyon left Bristol, England February, 1630/31 with her M aster, William Peirce, arriving in Salem May 1630/31 Rev. Roger Williams, bound for Salem Mrs. Mary Williams
John Throckmorton, bound for Salem Mrs. Rebecca Throckmorton John Throckmorton Patience Throckmorton Throckmorton Descendant contact: email Nancy Bell
John Perkins, of Hilmorton, Warwick, bound for Boston Mrs. Judith Perkins John Perkins Elizabeth Perkins Mary Perkins Thomas Perkins Jacob Perkins
Edmond Onge, of Lavenham, Suffolk, bound for Watertown Mrs. Frances Onge Simon Onge Jacob Onge
William Parke, bound for Roxbury
Lyon sources: http://english-america.com/spls/631ma001.html#Lyon
The Third voyage of the "Lyon"
From http://www.packrat-pro.com/ships/lyon3.htm
The Lyon left Bristol, England February, 1630/31 with her M aster, William Peirce, arriving in Salem May 1630 Mrs. Margaret Winthrop (wife of Governor), bound for Boston Adam Winthrop Anne Winthrop
John Winthrop, Jr., of Groton, Suffolk, bound for Boston
Rev. John Elliot, of Nazing, Essex, bound for Roxbury
Philip Elliot, of Nazing, Essex, bound for Roxbury
Richard Lyman, of High Ongar, Essex, bound for Roxbury Mrs. Sarah Lyman Phyllis Lyman Richard Lyman, Jr. Sarah Lyman John Lyman Robert Lyman Lyman Descendant Contact: email William (Bill) Lyman
Samuel Wakeman, bound for Roxbury Mrs. Elizabeth Wakeman
Believed passengers:
John Steele, of Fairstead, Essex, bound for Cambridge Mrs. Rachel Steele Samuel Steele John Steele Hannah Steele
George Steele, of Fairstead, Essex, bound for Cambridge Mrs. Margery Steele Margery Steele Joan Steele Mary Steele James Steele
Andrew Warner, of county Essex, bound for Cambridge Mrs.
Warner Mary Warner Andrew Warner
Stephen Hart, bound for Cambridge
Nicholas Clark, of (possibly) Nazing, Essex, bound for Camb ridge (Dup of Lyon 3)
Lyon sources: http://english-america.com/spls/631ma002.html#Lyon
The fourth voyage of the "Lyon"
From http://www.packrat-pro.com/ships/lyon4.htm:
Four Lyon trips: 1630, 1631, 1632, 1632. The Lyon hit a ree f April 10, 1633 (Peirce was 'driving') and it sunk, replac ed by the Rebecca, built in the colonies.
Sailed from London June 22, 1632, arriving in Boston Septem ber 14/16, 1632. The master, William Pierce, brought 123 pa ssengers.
"He brought one hundred and twenty three passengers, whereo f fifty children, all in health. They had been twelve week s aboard and eight weeks from Land's End."
Alphabetical by family order:
Allis, Richard Bartlett, Robert (Possibly from Frampton, Dorsetshire, boun d for Marblehead. Ref: Essex Antiq. 7/59 pg 33 or from Wilt shire, bound for Chelmsford, & Woburn. NEGR 40/195 pg 182) Benjamin, John of Heathfield, Sussex and wife Abigail (Fro m Haethfield, Sussex, bound for Cambridge and Watertown. Re f: Banks Mss. pg 171. Listed with a Richard Benjamin. Brewer, Daniel, his wife Joanna and children Daniel, Anne a nd Joanna Brewer, John of Sussex Browne, John and wife Dorothy, children Mary, John, James a nd William (From Hawkedon, Suffolk, bound for Watertown. Ref: Bon d 124. pg 155 Carrington, Edward Churchman, John (From Kennington, Kent, bound for Cambridge . Ref: Banks Mss. pg 80) Clark, Nicholas (Clarke, from Nazing, Essex, bound for Camb ridge. Ref: Banks Mss pg 50) (Dup of Lyon 4) Cogsworth, John of Halstead, Essex, wife Mary Curtis, William of Nazing, Essex, his wife Sarah and childr en Thomas, Mary, John, and Philip Elmore, Edward and wife, children Richard and Edward Glover, Charles Goodwin, William of Bocklng, Essex, his wife and child Eliz abeth Goodwin, Ozias of Bocklng, Essex, his wife and child William Grant, Seth Heath, William, wife Mary, children Issac, Mary, Anna (Fro m Amwell, Little, Hertfordshire, bound for Roxbury as per p g 66) (From Little Amwell, Hertfordshire, bound for Roxbury . Ref: Banks Mss. pg 66) Holman, Edward of Clapham, Surrey James, William (From Walthamstow, Essex, bound for Boston . Ref: Banks Mss. pg 53) Lewis, William, wife Felix, and child William Lewis Morrill Isaac of Hatfield Broadoak, Essex, his wife and chi ldren Sarah and Katherine Olmstead, James of Fairstead, Essex, wife Joyce and childre n Nehemiah, Nicholas, Richard, John and Rebecca (From Fairstead, Essex, bound for Boston and Hartfoed , CT. Ref: Banks Mss. pg 46) Richards, Nathaniel and his wife Roberts, Joseph Shelley, Robert and wife Anne (From Nazing, Essex, bound fo r Boston. Ref: Banks Mss. pg 50) Talcott, John of Braintree, Essex, wife Dorothy, children J ohn, Mary Totman, John Ufford, Thomas of Newbourne, Suffolk, wife Isabel, childre n John and Isabel Wade, Jonathan of Northampton and wife Susanna Wadsworth, William of Braintree, Essex Wadsworth, Mrs and children Sarah, William, Mary, John Watson, John Whipple, John of Bocking, Essex White, John, wife Mary and children Nathaniel and Mary Willett, Thomas of Yarmouth, Norfolk Daughter Hester born 1647 pg 4 Witchfield, John of London and his wife (From St Mary, Whit echapel, London, bound for Dorchester and Windsor. Ref: Ban ks Mss pg 101)
Charles Banks also lists: John Coggeshall from Halstead, bound for Roxbury and Newpor t, RI, the 7xgreat-grandfather of Francis Herbert Brownell . pg 47 Throckmorton, George and John, from Essex, bound for Boston , Salem and Providence RI. Ref: Banks Mss. pg 54
Lyon sources: http://horsethief.info/newengland/lyon.htm http://members.aol.com/dcurtin1/gene/lyon.htm http://english-america.com/spls/632ma001.html#Lyon
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