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  • Ovid D. Rolfe (1825 - 1901)
  • Charles Menary (1888 - 1888)
  • Alan Bible, U.S. Senator (1909 - 1988)
    Harvey Bible (November 20, 1909 – September 12, 1988) was an American lawyer and politician. A member of the Democratic Party, he served as a United States Senator from Nevada from 1954 to 1974. He pre...

Storey County was created in 1861 and named for Captain Edward Farris Storey, who was killed in 1860 in the Pyramid Lake War. It was the most populous county in Nevada when organized in 1861. Virginia City is the county seat. It was originally to be named McClellan County after General George B. McClellan, who later ran unsuccessfully against Abraham Lincoln for president in the 1864 election. Storey County benefited from the discovery of Comstock Lode silver.

W. Frank Stewart was a silver-mining operator who served from 1876 to 1880 as a state senator for Storey County.

The county population collapsed after the Comstock Lode was fully mined and hit a minimum of 568 in the 1960 census. Since then, its population has partially recovered because of its relative proximity to Reno.


Cemeteries of Nevada

