The "Surrey" came to Australia mutliple times
- Convict Ship - departed England 22/2/1814 and arrived NSW, Australia on 28/7/18144 (200 male convicts)
- Convict Ship - departed Cork, Ireland 14/7/1816 and arrived NSW, Australia on 20/12/1816 (150 male convicts)
- Convict Ship - departed Sheerness on 29/9/1818 and arrived NSW, Australia on 4/3/1819 (160 male convicts)
- Convict Ship - departed Portsmouth, England on 5/10/1822 and arrived NSW, Australia on 4/3/1823
- ?
- Convict Ship - departed Portsmouth, England on 17/7/1831 and arrived NSW, Australia on 26/11/1831 (200 male convicts)
- Convict Ship - departed Cork, Ireland 5/11/1832 and arrived NSW, Australia on 9/3/1833 (142 female convicts)
- Convict Ship - departed Plymouth, England 7/4/1834 and arrived NSW, Australia on 17/8/1834 (260 male convicts)
- Convict Ship - departed Cork, Ireland 9/1/1836 and arrived NSW, Australia on 17/5/1836 (229 convicts)
- Passenger Ship - departed London and arrived at South Australia, Australia on 11/10/1838
- Convict Ship - departed Downs 2/4/1840 and arrived NSW, Australia on 13/7/1840 (213 female convicts)
This project is for the 1819 journey - departed Sheerness on 29/9/1818 and arrived NSW, Australia on 4/3/1819 (7 male convicts) and then Tasmania, Australia on 18/3/1819 (153 male convicts)
- Albiston, Thomas
- Aldridge, Ambrose
- Armstrong, Joseph
- Ashworth, John
- Ayres, Valentine
- Bagshaw, George
- Baker, Joseph
- Barber, George
- Barnett, Henry
- Barratt, John
- Barry, Andrew
- Beezet, John
- Bennison, John
- Bickerton, John
- Blake, Joseph
- Bland, Charles
- Brignell, Michael
- Brittargh, William
- Brown, Joseph
- Brown, William
- Brunt, Samuel
- Burn, William
- Bushell, William
- Camplin, John
- Capewell, Thomas
- Carney, Thomas
- Chapman, James
- Clark, William
- Clarke, James
- Clarke, Richard
- Cole, George
- Coombs, John
- Coote, Thomas
- Copperwheat, William
- Cotton, John
- Cullups, William
- Davies, James
- Davis, Benjamin
- Davison, John
- Day, William
- Dixon, James
- Dogherty, Edward
- Donnington, James
- Dorrell, William
- Eaton, James
- Edwards, Edward
- Ellis, Peter
- Evans, John
- Evans, Morgan
- Evans, William
- Evans, William
- Foster, Thomas
- Fox, Charles
- Foxall, John
- Franks, John
- Gibson, Thomas
- Godwin, Thomas
- Goodwin, Joseph
- Gordon, David
- Granfield, Matthew
- Green, John
- Griffiths, John
- Groombridge, Stephen
- Gunter, William
- Hagan, Henry
- Hall, Samuel
- Hall, Thomas
- Hammond, Richard
- Hardman, Charles
- Hayes, James
- Healey, Thomas
- Hewitt, Thomas
- Hickmott, William
- Hill, Thomas
- Hodgetts, John
- Hodson, William
- Holford, William
- Holland, William
- Holloway, James
- Holloway, William
- Hook, William
- Hopkins, Henry
- Howell, George
- Humphries, Thomas
- Isaacs, Alexander
- Jackson, James
- Jackson, Thomas
- Jefcoat, Thomas
- Jervis, John
- Johnson, Samuel
- Johnson, Thomas
- King, William
- Kitchen, Philip
- Ladd, William
- Laing, Charles
- Laman, John
- Lancaster, Thomas
- Lane, John
- Lowe, Thomas
- Lowell, John
- Lumley, Francis
- Maddison, Thomas
- Marsden, James
- Mayberry, William
- Meer, Gervase
- Monk, Thomas
- Mooney, James
- Morgan, Thomas
- Nedby, Joseph
- Oakes, Lot
- Panter, Benjamin
- Peacock, John
- Peatfield, Charles
- Pembrey, Philip
- Phillips, Thomas
- Pratt, Ralph
- Radcliffe, Thomas
- Rawlins, James
- Rayner, Richard
- Richardson, Joseph
- Roberts, Richard
- Roberts, William
- Rogerson, Thomas
- Rose, James
- Ryne, Richard
- Saunders, Thomas
- Scott, Charles
- Shea, Thomas
- Simpson, Walter
- Smith, George
- Smith, James
- Smith, John
- Smith, Philip
- Smith, Zachariah
- Stevenson, George
- Stockbridge, William
- Strugnell, John
- Summerfield, John
- Sutcliffe, Robert
- Sutton, John
- Taggert, William
- Taylor, William
- Taylor, William
- Thomas, George
- Thompson, John
- Tucker, William
- Turner, Thomas
- Turner, William
- Varney, Charles
- Wait, George
- Waters, George
- Watson, Edward
- Watson, Younger
- Webb, Henry
- Webster, John
- Whittingham, Samuel
- Williams, Henry
- Williams, William
- Wright, Henry
- Wright, John