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Surry County, Virginia, USA

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  • Mary Jane Gray (1685 - 1756)
    The will of Margaret Gray was dated June 27, 1767, and proved in Surry Nov. 17, 1767. Legatees: daughter, Lucy Gray; sons, John and James Gray, and daughter, Mary Clinch. Source: Virginia Magazine of ...
  • William Gray, II, of Surry County (1682 - 1736)
    Sheriff William Gray II, Son of William Gray I, (1648-1719) and Elizabeth Jarrett Gray (1642-1701). He Married Mary Crawford Seward Gray in 1702. His Children are: William Gray III (1703) James...
  • Capt. William Gray, of Surry County (aft.1648 - bef.1719)
    Not the same as Capt. William Gray, of Old Rappahonnock County who married a different Elizabeth. Not the same as Capt. William Gray, Sr. . (son of Francis Gray) William Gray BIRTH 1648 Surry C...
  • Captain James Wyche, Sr (1671 - 1749)
    He was named executor of his father's 1712 will (probated in 1714), so must have been at least 21 by 1712. Biography Will of James Wyche: To daughter, Amy Jackson, her husband, Ambrose, on e neg...
  • Elizabeth Wyche (1702 - aft.1749)
    Elizabeth was born in 1702 in Surry, Surry, Virginia, United States. She was the daughter of George Briggs. Will of James Wyche: To daughter, Amy Jackson, her husband, Ambrose, on e negro for li...

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