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  • Alf Olafsson, Under-King (c.580 - c.680)
    NOTE: No saga source for this person or for his parentage has been identified. Alf Olafsson - was born about 0580, lived in Denmark. Children: i. Gauthild Alfsdatter was born about 0614, lived in ...
  • Thegn Aski of Thornton (c.1030 - d.)
    Disclaimer: This is an experimental profile and is not 100% confirmed. Aski of Thornton was a Thane of King Edward living in what is now Thornton, West Derby, Lancashire, near Lunt and Sefton. He was...
  • Gils "skeiðarnef" Herfinnsson (c.840 - d.)
    . kafliMaður hét Þrándur mjóbeinn; hann fór til Íslands með Geirmundi heljarskinni; hann var ættaður af Ögðum. Þrándur nam eyjar fyrir vestan Bjarneyjaflóa og bjó í Flatey; hann átti dóttur Gils skeiða...
  • Eymund Ringsson (c.360 - d.)
  • Alvhild 'Elfhildis' (c.1000 - c.1040)
    Alfhild (concubine) - kongsmor - (mother of a king) From Wikipedia Magnus I of Norway :>Magnus was the illegitimate son of Olaf II of Norway, later known as Saint Olaf, by his English concubine Alfhild...

Yea, those guys. The real ones. The people. Not the talky melodramatic soap opera.