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The Danish Huguenot Society

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  • Susanne Vilain (1731 - 1769)
    1094 Susanne Villain i Fredericia. 14.7.1769, fol.532. E: Johan Steen. Første ægteskab med Abraham Dupont, [skifte 13.2.1764 lbnr.929] = Fredericia 1731
  • Susanne Honoré (1800 - 1885)
    I kirkebogen ved dåb i 1800 står hun anført som 'Susanne Fevre', ligesom hendes far står anført som 'Abraham Fevre' (og som det fremgår af bemærkninger ved hans profil, kaldes han også 'Fevre' ved sin ...
  • Daniel Honoré (1835 - 1837)
  • Jacob Honoré, III (1838 - 1902)
    Oplysning om forældre og børn: om ægteskab 1861 med Judith Deleuran og et barn: om ægteskab 1868 med Karen Dorthea Larsen: Kirkebog 1902 #7 : Jacob Honoré, gift, particulier, født 29/10 1838, død 16/12...
  • Sara Honoré (1833 - 1928)
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Huguenot is the name given to Protestants in France during the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. The Lutheran form of Protestantism entered France about 1520 and soon met with opposition from the Catholics.


  • Det danske Huguenotsamfund er en kulturhistorisk forening, der blev stiftet den 29. november 1968 med det formål at »bevare den åndelige arv, som er modtaget fra de landflygtige franske huguenotter«.
  • Foreningens virksomhed er kulturel og består i:
  • Studiet af den franske reformerte historie og udbredelse af kendskabet til den.
  • Beskæftigelstiget sig med »Den reformerte kirke i Tyskland«, »Huguenotterne i England«, *»De reformerte i Norden«,
  • Slægtsforskning.
  • Reformert kunst.
  • Reformerte inden for erhvervsliv og håndværk.
  • Henvisning til litteratur:
  • f.eks. Til Guds ære - Calvins liv og virke fra 2014.
  • »Huguenot« kaldtes de franske protestanter, der inspireredes af reformatoren Jean Calvin (1509-64). Han virkede især i Schweiz, hvor han gjorde Genève til midtpunkt for den »reformerte« kirke.
  • Ordet »huguenot« er en fransk forvanskning af det tyske »Eidgenosse« (edsforbunden), som schweizerne kaldtes.
  • Da de reformerte ikke accepteredes af den franske enevældes katolsk-autoritære system, forfulgtes dette religiøse mindretal på det grusomste.
  • Bartholomæusnatten 1572 myrdedes titusinder huguenotter, som dog i årene 1598-1685 fik visse borgerlige rettigheder i det franske samfund takket være »Nantes-ediktet«.
  • Læs mere: Hvad er en Huguenot?
  • Kilde:
  • __________________________________________________________
The First Devantier Family was French Huguenots.

Huguenot is the name given to Protestants in France during the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. The Lutheran form of Protestantism entered France about 1520 and soon met with opposition from the Catholics.

The work of John Calvin (1509-1564) greatly influenced and furthered the cause of French Protestantism which secured adherents chiefly from the middle class and the nobility. As the Protestant movement gained in strength, opposition to it likewise increased until, toward the end of the reign of Francis I (1497-1547), the Huguenots were being severely persecuted. The Protestants developed their organization as they increased in numbers, holding their first synod in 1559, at which time they adopted a code based on the doctrines of Calvinism. Persecution of the Huguenots as heretics increased under Henry II, who reigned from 1547 to 1559. The members of the Guise family, which had grown in power during the reign of Francis I, were bitterly opposed to the Huguenots, whose cause was upheld by the powerful and influential Bourbons. Friction between the opposing factions increased until the first \civil war broke out in 1562, when the Guises seized the young king, Charles IX (1550-1574) and the Huguenots, under Prince de Conde and Admiral Colginy, took up arms against the Catholics. A series of eight civil wars followed which lasted with intervals of peace, until the treaty of Vervins (q1598) brought the conflicts to an end. Queen-mother and regent for Charles IX, in her efforts to maintain herself in power, sometimes opposed and sometimes favoured the cause of the Huguenots, depending upon what she considered at the time to be politically advantageous. On August 24, 1572, thousands of Protestants were killed in the Massacre of St. Bartholomew, but this only served to strengthen the cause of the Huguenots. King Henry IV (1552-1610), whom the Protestants had supported for the throne, signed the Edict of Nantes (1598), which guaranteed the Huguenots religious and civil liberty. Following the Edict of Nantes, the Huguenots in France at first enjoyed considerable freedom under Henry IV. But as time went on, the later rulers of France began to realize that the Huguenots stood in the way of absolutism, and persecution of the Protestants steadily increased. Cardinal Richelieu (1585-1642) opposed them, and during the later persecutions of Louis XIV (1638-16-5) many thousands of Huguenots fled to other countries in Europe and to the North American colonies. In 1629 the Huguenots came to an end as a political party, although the name persisted. The revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685 removed from the Protestants all legal right of defence. persecutions continued under Louis XV (1710-1774), but Louis XVI ()1754-1793) showed a more tolerant attitude toward the Huguenots. Protestantism suffered greatly during the revolutionary period, after which the Protestants were granted equality and the name Huguenots ceased to be used.