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The Great San Francisco Earthquake 1906

Top Surnames

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  • Anna Baumeister (1892 - 1906)
    Victim of the 1906 earthquake & fire. The daughter of Henry and Maria Baumeister, Anna worked as a salesgirl at Prost's Bakery on 6th St in San Francisco. She was killed along with Pauline Bock and Ver...
  • Mary Boessenecker (1854 - 1906)
  • Giza Kornfield (1870 - 1906)
    Giza arrived in the United States on 21st of November 1890 on board ship the Lahn, departure port was Bremen in Germany
  • Joseph U Aebi (1861 - 1906)
    Joseph Aebi lived in Cuyahoga County, Ohio in 1900. He was the head of the household, 39 years old. Joseph was born in Switzerland around 1861, and both of his parents were born in Switzerland as well....

The Great San Francisco Earthquake 1906

On April 18, 1906 at 5.12 AM , an earthquake and subsequent fires devastated San Francisco, California, leaving more than 3,000 people dead and destroying more than 28,000 buildings. The quake ruptured the San Andreas fault to the north and south of the city, for a total of 296 miles, and could be felt from southern Oregon to Los Angeles and inland to central Nevada.


Geology.Com, Map of San Andreas Fault Line

Aim of this project

The aim of this project is to create a genealogical collection of profiles of the people who perished during the Earthquake in 1906. In order to add profiles to this project you will need to join this project first by clicking on the action button in the top right of this page and select join in the drop-down menu.


Source : U.S Geological Survey

  • Deaths: more then 3000
  • Homeless: 225,000 from a population of about 400,000
  • Buildings destroyed - 28,000
  • Monetary loss - more than $400 million

Sources & references

Sources to find victims


The original list of victims has been compiled by Gladys Hansen a retired librarian who made it her mission to collect all the names of the victims.

List of victims

Take note: names are taken from the original registrations and newspaper clippings and might not always be spelled correctly. The list of names in not complete, some people could not be indentified, please add the missing victims to the list below. Source San Francisco newspapers , Oakland Herald 18 April to 19th May 1906


  • Aebi, Joseph U
  • Agiraky, Sanford F.
  • Agnew, Arthur
  • Agnew, Frank
  • Agoust, Miss
  • Chung, Ah
  • Alleman, firstname unknown
  • Anderson, Charles
  • Andrews, Andy
  • Anoruw, Andy
  • Armstrong, Dora B.
  • Asmussen, Susan


  • Bacaluki, F.
  • Barnett, Fanny
  • Barron, Sarah
  • Bauw, Joseph
  • Baumeister, Anna
  • Baumeister, Henry
  • Berger, Frank
  • Bird, O
  • Blasey, Miss
  • Bock, Pauline
  • Bock, William H
  • Bodewell, Frank
  • Boessenecker, Mary
  • Borchers, F.H
  • Borchers, Frank A
  • Bordwell, Frank
  • Botzbach, Andrew
  • Bowen, G.A
  • Bowes, Thomas
  • Brady, Harry
  • Brannan, Henry
  • Bricker, Jacob H.
  • Brochers, Frank H
  • Brodenit, Pat
  • Broderick, infant
  • Broderick, female
  • Broderick, male
  • Brown, George
  • Brown, Miss Catherine
  • Buck, Pauline
  • Buckner, Jacob
  • Bulland, Margaret
  • Bullard, Margaret J
  • Bullend, Margaret
  • Bullond, Mary
  • Burge, Frank
  • Burger, Frank
  • Burger, John
  • Burye, Frank
  • Bush, Albert J
  • Butler, Anna
  • Butler, Bogo or Bozio
  • Butler, Ross
  • Buttumbum


  • Carr, William
  • Carrick, William
  • Charton, Sarah
  • Chee, Lung
  • Chesbro, Mary
  • Chessborough, Harry
  • Chang, Chic
  • Chisbro, Harry
  • Chowder, Mrs.
  • Clarton, Sarah
  • Cogorni, Madalena
  • Coleman, Andrew
  • Coleman, Hugh A.
  • Colly, John
  • Companis, Antone
  • Conlon, Michael
  • Converse, Charles
  • Conway, Anna
  • Conway, George
  • Cook, David
  • Cook, Frances
  • Cooper, C.A
  • Cooper, J.K
  • Corbus, Sadie Miss
  • Cosgorno, Madelina
  • Cosgrove, Madeline
  • Creighton, Patrick
  • Crighton, Peter
  • Crone, W
  • Crowder, Lena
  • Cullum, Bridget
  • Curran, Baily
  • Curron, Thomas


  • Daniels, Hiram
  • Day, John
  • Deane, Charles
  • Debrunner, Mrs.
  • Delaranelle, G.H
  • DeLeagher
  • De Luca, Matteo
  • Delucchi, Domenico
  • Desmond family
  • Desuelo, Frank
  • Dockery, Patrick
  • Doe, Barlett
  • Doe, Jane
  • Donovan, Mary
  • Dreyer, Otto
  • Duff, Andrew
  • Deluca, Matteo
  • Dunning, Violet


  • Eardley, John
  • Eddinghausen, William H.
  • Eliopolos, James
  • Enger, Lewis
  • Engle, Mrs. A.M
  • Esbey, Alma C
  • Espey, Elmer


  • Fabian, Bertha
  • Fouth, John
  • Fay, Martha
  • Fenner, Mark
  • Finch, John N.
  • Fink, Harry L.
  • Finley, Veronica
  • Flaherty, Patrick
  • Foley, James
  • Foley, Mark
  • Foley, Mary
  • Forman, Elizabeth
  • Foubister, Cecilia
  • Freeman, Mary
  • French, infant
  • Froule, Arthur
  • Fundenberg, Eugene G
  • Fundenberg, Margaret E.


  • Gallagher, Joseph
  • Ganon, Kirvin G.
  • Gerald, Annie
  • Gasnello, Frank
  • Getz, John
  • Ghiorso, Mrs. Lizzie
  • Gibbons, Katherine
  • Gortz, L
  • Goucher, William H.
  • Grady, Mr. D
  • Green, George
  • Grimes, John
  • Grimm, Ferdinand
  • Griswold, James F.
  • Gross, Ethel
  • Guy, Gustav O. William


  • Haley, C.B
  • Hall, Miss Artie
  • Hansen, George C.
  • Hanson, Henry A.R
  • Hanson, Sarah
  • Hansen, Theodore
  • Hansen, W.J
  • Hanson, William C.
  • Hansen, D.C
  • Hannon, William C.
  • Haskell, Jack
  • Heaslip, Mrs. A
  • Heaslip, Ida O.
  • Heitler, L.R
  • Hermann, M.D
  • Hiestel, N.A
  • Higgins, Albert Houston
  • Hirstel, Samuel E.
  • Hirstel, Nathan A.
  • Hogan, Frank
  • Houston, Thomas T.
  • Houston, Mrs. A
  • Howard, Emily E
  • Hunt, Mr.
  • Hynes, John


  • Ireland, J.Carr
  • Irwin, Mrs. May
  • Isaac, Marcus
  • Ishida, Sadie


  • Jacaluci, F
  • Jaksi, Jule
  • Johnson, Edward
  • Johnson,John
  • Johnson, Mrs. Maud
  • Johnson, Nathan
  • Johnson, William J.


  • Kornfield, Adolph
  • Kornfeld, Gisa
  • Katz, male
  • Keeler, John
  • Keiche, Johanna
  • Kealer, John
  • Kelley, Annie
  • Kelly, Bernard
  • Kellog, Bernard
  • Kelly, Annie
  • Kempson, Walter Nicholas
  • Kennell, Frank
  • Kennell, Fred
  • Kerr, James
  • Kettner, Emma
  • Kettner, Ottilie
  • King, male
  • King, James Morris
  • Kingsbury, Mrs. L.A
  • Kirkpatrick, Gerald Stanley
  • Knutsen, Berghild
  • Krouser, Rudolph
  • Kroutt, male


  • Lakura or Lakurs, Winse
  • Lamerdin, Edward
  • Londale, Alfred
  • Lauder, John
  • Lander, William Nelson
  • Landerson, Charles
  • Landers, female
  • Lapp, Mary
  • Larkin, John Joseph
  • Lawless, Lawrence
  • Lewis, Agnes
  • Lichtenstein, Johanna
  • Lichtenstein, Abraham
  • Lichtenstein, Morris
  • Lind, Patrick
  • Lind, Peter Alexander
  • Lund, H.
  • Lynch, Margaret
  • Lyons, Joseph
  • Linke, Paul


  • McCann, Mrs
  • McCarthy, Cornelius
  • McCarthy, Katherine
  • McCarthy, Mary
  • McCarthy, Robert
  • Mac Curran, Mrs.
  • McElroy, Patrick
  • McGill, Henry M.
  • McIntyre, James Benjamin
  • McKenzie, male
  • McMillan, Edith
  • McNally, Annie
  • McNear, A.J
  • McShen, James
  • McShea, John Francis
  • McShea, Margaret
  • McPherson, Charles
  • Magill, Henry
  • Mahoney, Julia
  • Malichi, Lennon
  • Manders, Henry
  • Manning, John
  • Manning, George
  • Manning, John
  • Mansen, Frederick
  • Marco, Amelia
  • Martollo, J.
  • Matoli, Louis
  • Meherin, Mary Jane
  • Mercier, Francis
  • Merkle, A.
  • Merriweather, Mrs. A
  • Meyer, Henry
  • Meyer, Hermann
  • Meyers, Joseph
  • Miles, Margaret
  • Miles, Mary baby
  • Myake, H
  • Moeller
  • Montgomery, Lulu
  • Mugo, Myrtle
  • Munro, Charles
  • Munzie, Myrtle


  • Nauman, E.C
  • Nauman, E.
  • Nelson, Clarence P.
  • Neville, George
  • Nicholas, George
  • Nunan, Frank
  • Nye, J. Trophy


  • O'Brien, Thomas
  • O'Neil, Jack
  • O'Neil, Jim
  • O'Neil John Doe
  • O'Neill, Paola
  • Onetti, Paolo
  • Orndoff, Fred C.
  • Orwitz, Benjamin
  • O'Toole, Mrs.
  • O'Toole, Cecil A.


  • Paris, Mary
  • Parker, Miss Jean
  • Parsons, John D.
  • Pearson, John F.
  • Perisch, Arthur T.
  • Perringer, Marqarite
  • Petrig, Annie
  • Petrig, Annie M.
  • Pierson, John
  • Pritchard, George
  • Prochzaska, Frank J
  • Pulos, James


  • Reagan, John
  • Robi, Joseph
  • Richards, Elizabeth Mrs.
  • Reiche, Louis
  • Reiche, Johanna
  • Reilly, John
  • Ronan
  • Renzer, Mr. E.O
  • Renzer, Mrs. E.O
  • Rifesi, Ciro
  • Ring, John Doe
  • Ring, Patrick
  • Riordan, Frank
  • Robinson, Louis
  • Roche, Theresa
  • Rosenfeld, Norris
  • Rossi, Louis


  • Saeghier, Alberta de
  • Sahkamdah
  • Salmon, Bridget
  • Sarubbo, Maria Eliza
  • Schartau, Bernard
  • Schinn, Adolph
  • Schmucker, Henry R.
  • Schwinn, Adolph
  • Schwinn, Mrs. Emily
  • Senetti, L
  • Shartan, Benjamin
  • Shaw, Mary
  • Shay, Bernard
  • Sherman, Lillian J.
  • Sherry, Temperance
  • Simmie, James A.
  • Siminie, James Andrew
  • Simms, J
  • Simpson, Caroline
  • Small, Effie
  • Smith, Percy
  • Solomon, Joseph
  • Sorenson, Jens
  • Speiter, August
  • Sperry, Semporance
  • Spartaan, Benjamin
  • Spieler, August
  • Stafford, Jerry
  • Stamper, Celia
  • Stamper, Louis
  • Staniels, William H.
  • Steele, Mrs.
  • Steele, John
  • Stinson, J.Coplin
  • Stol, George
  • Sullivan, B.D
  • Sullivan, F.D
  • Sullivan Dennis T. Chief San Francisco Fire Dept
  • Sullivan, Ramona
  • Surubbo, Marie Eliza
  • Szinki, Paul
  • Sziraki, Sanford F.


  • Taggart, Dr. C.F
  • Taylor, Mrs. George
  • Techenoke, Theresa
  • Temple, Frederick
  • Thomas, George W.
  • Thomas, May
  • Tilden, Heber C.
  • Tyson, John
  • Todd, Mrs, Charles L.
  • Troute, Arthur


  • Vail, William Cameron
  • Van Court, Nathan
  • Van Seicht, P
  • Van Slick, Mrs Mary S
  • Van Slijck, Mary Jane
  • Venner, Mark


  • Walker, George
  • Walker, Louis
  • Ward, Julia
  • Ware, William H
  • Webster, Annie
  • Weiner, Fanny
  • Weir, John
  • Welch, Frank P.
  • Welch, Henrietta
  • Whalen, Annie
  • Whelan, Alice
  • Wheley, John
  • Whitaker, Annie
  • Whitaker, Tillie
  • Whitman, Annie
  • Wilson, Clarence P.


  • Zanzi,Julius
  • Zincke, Paul