Greetings all from Suffolk, England. Birth place of Sir Thomas Warner who colonized the Caribbean. Are we related to him? A big WELL DONE! to Earle Warner who found our common ancestor's name: Great Grand Father to some, John Miller Warner.
It is so exciting to think that we will have the 'John Miller Warner Descendants' reunion.
Lets decide on the year and season now! Some say Christmas, some say when it is winter, some one carnival and ting!
I have looked into some costs for flights from England: June = £638 and Christmas = £963 up to £1590.
In addition to the flight, accommodation and spending money, it would mean more time is needed to save.
So please all, let's decide as soon as possible so that the reunion project team can begin to look into accommodation deals.
1) Should we have the Reunion in 2016 or 2017?
2) Should we have the Reunion in June or at Christmas time?
Bear in mind that Christmas time is very busy with demands on family and loved ones.
This will be one massive fantastic reunion in St. Kitts and Nevis! We don't want to have to compete with Christmas and Culturama.
So come on, you John Miller Warner descendants, lets decide!