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  • Alice Isola Wallace (1853 - 1949)
    Nashua Telegraph, Dec 2, 1947 Merrimack, Dec 2 -- Mrs. Alice Wallace celebrated her 94th birthday recently at the home of her daughter Mrs. Edith Foss. Mrs. Wallace was born in Franconia and has lived ...
  • Fernando Solomon Mooney (1824 - 1914)
    Death Certificate
  • Chastina Mooney (1827 - 1874)
  • Alice Marie Scott (1913 - d.)
    Residence 1940: Portsmouth City, Virginia
  • Bessie Mae Petree (1888 - 1963)
    Bessie was one of eight children born to Homer B. T. Moon and his wife, Katron A. Gray. Bessie married John W. Petree, one of six children born to Charles H. Petree and his wife, Margaret E. Braselton....
 MOON, MOONE, MOEN and other variations.

The surname originates "MOHUNS or MOYUNS" after 1000 years they have become better known as the "MOONS"

The name is roughly translatable from olde Norse as "Affable".

Borne in the origin of this one man below

Guillaume de Mohun, seigneur de Moyon


James being the first ancestor in America-

James Moon, Sr.

I would like to link as many lines as possible. Id like to meet family.

More than anything Im doing it for this man;

Robert George Moon, my grandfather. who made me promise, id find out our surname meaning and were we came from.

Robert George Moon

All Moons are welcome