This project is about DNA matches that seem to tie New York Eberhards together with the Pennsylvania ones of whom I am a direct descendant.
The reason that this project has come up now is because I have found a section of DNA I share with several other people, all of whom seem to be descended from Palatine immigrants to New York aboard the 1709-1710 flotilla. I seemingly have no other connection with these persons.
The stretch of DNA in question is, for me, on Chromosome 2, from 129659816 - 137180758. The DNA matches that share this stretch with me are:
- Private (incomplete, and his great-grandmother does NOT share this DNA)
- Private (complete tree)
- Private (all Nova Scotia, but with New York Palatine ancestry)
There are about a dozen others, of course, but since I don't have their tree, I have not been able yet to create a profile for them.
I have strong reason to believe that this stretch of DNA is mother's-side match for me. It overlaps two entirely different chunks of ancestral DNA on my father's side which pretty much rules that out. I've been able to confirm, with the limited tools available on Family Tree DNA, that all of the above trees indeed share this chunk of DNA.
Profiles that may be of interest from these trees:
- Johann Thiel Rockefeller, Sr. - a likely ancestor of Private , connection goes through Elizabeth Carle whose parents are conjecture, but who have a known ancestor name as a mother, here: Anna Marie Rockefeller .
- Johannes Maul and family - an ancestor of Private .
- Sgt. Conrad Enoch Handspiker - an ancestor of Private . From New York.
- Wilhelmus "William" France - an ancestor of Private .
"Guesses" involve the following profiles:
- Anna Eva Henselbekker is an Eckhardt - an ancestor of Private .
- Christina Baart is a Doorn, not a Dorst - an ancestor of Private .
Everything else is standard. The DNA is what ties these families together. It also ties in the following Pennsylvania Eberhardt descendants, who overlap the same stretch of DNA: