The Stevenson, Mills, Derby, & Nixon Families of County Armagh in the 1800's, before emmigration to USA
William Stevenson, (1813-1898) b. Richhill, Armagh, Northern Ireland: joined Wesleyan ME church at age 19; Methodist-Episcopal shoemaker merchant from Ulster; married Jane Mills (daughter of northern Irish tenant farmers affected by famine); had son Richard Howard Stevenson, (1852-1905) b. Crow Hill, Armagh, Northern Ireland. His son became a railroad industry executive, and married Libby Derby. William retired from business and had a farm in Iowa, and got involved with the Republican party.
Libby Derby (1854-1931) married Richard Howard Stevenson, (1852-1905).
Cultural Affiliations:
Stevensons: Probably formerly Presbyterian Ulster Scots. 1839 convert to Wesleyan Methodist; Methodist-Episcopal; Dissenters. Countercultural; anti-elitist and anti-slavery, in USA, appealing especially to African Americans and women.Many USA frontier Ulster-Scots became Methodists.
Mills: Northern Irish tenant farmers
Nixons: Southern Scots; Ulster Scots
Derbys: Belfast Protestants with some affiliation with Catholics?
- Presbyterian Lowland Scots who migrated to the northern province of Ireland (Ulster) beginning about 1605. In the USA, may be called "Scots Irish" or "Scotch Irish" to distinguish these families who settled in the USA in the 1700's from the mainly Catholic Gaelic Irish who came to the USA after the Potato Famine 1845-49.
- Often Presbyterian Scots place great importance upon education and lifelong learning. Having experienced religious persecution as dissenters, they tend to support religious pluralism. Towards the end of the 18th century, many Ulster-Scots Presbyterians ignored religious differences and, along with many Catholic Gaelic Irish, joined the United Irishmen to participate in the Irish Rebellion of 1798 in support of republican and egalitarian ideals.
- Ulster Scots culture influenced by living for generations on the periphery of mainstream society both geographically and philosophically. Cultural values espousing individual autonomy and self-reliance within a strong kinship structure. Ancestors often herders, merchants, or raiders, rather than farmers. Loyal to kin, mistrusting of governmental authority and legal strictures, often involved in military.
- Substantial numbers of Scots also immigrated to the United States in the nineteenth century to work in industry, and were involved with steel, iron, mining, banking, railroad industry in USA
About Armagh
Historical & Geographical Information on Northern Ireland:
County Armagh place names mentioned in family history:
Crowhill, Randalstown, Lurgan.
Northern Ireland consists of six historic counties: County Antrim, County Armagh, County Down, County Fermanagh, County Londonderry,[58] County Tyrone. Most of it is Ulster Province & Londonderry.
There had been hard times a hundred years earlier: in 1741; burning of 300 protestants; trouble at the Bon River. Extreme animosity between Catholics and Protestants.
1880 Belfast / Ulster Street Directory http://www.lennonwylie.co.uk/PT_OPR1880.htm
Portrait of RANDALSTOWN, County Antrim, Northern Ireland
Randalstown, is a market town in County Antrim, seventeen miles N.W. by W. from Belfast, two miles North from the nearest part of Lough Neagh. The Maine is crossed, at the entrance of the town, by a stone bridge of nine arches, whence it pursues its course to Lough Neagh, through Shane's Castle Park. This magnificent park extends southwards for upwards of five miles, through a richly wooded demesne on "Lough Neagh's banks," and is kindly thrown open by its indulgent and hospitable proprietor every Tuesday and Friday. On the banks of the Maine, adjoining the town, stand the beetling and power loom mills of Messrs. Webb, Brothers. Petty Sessions are held first Tuesday in each month. The Parish Church of Drummaul is situated in a commanding position close to the town. The rectorial tithes of the parish are lay impropriate, the property of the Marquis of Donegal, who has also the right of presentation - the vicarial tithes (now rent charge) belong to the vicar or imcumbent. There are also three Presbyterian churches, a Wesleyan Methodist church, a Roman Catholic chapel, a spacious Court House, two National Schools, and one established and maintained by the Right Hon. and Rev. Lord O'Neill, for the benefit of the children of his tenantry in the locality, and an infant school, capable of holding 150 children, erected by Miss Alexander, daughter of the late Bishop of Meath. There is a Dispensary for the district. A company has been formed for lighting the town with gas. The Northern Banking Company have erected a spacious and handsome Bank House for the transaction of business. There is an extensive weekly market every Wednesday, for flax, grain, pork, butter, meat, poultry, eggs, etc.; and on the last Wednesday in each month a fair is held for the sale of cattle, sheep, pigs, and other farm produce ; and in addition to these, there are two fairs in the year, on the 16th July and 1st November. The late Lord O'Neill built and fitted up a commodious and elegant hotel, an extensive walled in market square, shedded on all sides, containing flax stores, butchers' stalls, butter store, weigh bridge, etc.; with ample convenience for every commodity brought to market, and abundant accommodation for all attending it (also free of expense)
Post Office - John Stevenson, sub post master
Bank - Wm. J. Orr, manager, Bankhouse ; Alfred Fisher, cashier Dispensary - Jas. McKee, M.D., medical officer Hotel - O' Neill Arms - Mrs. Kerr Constabulary Station - Constable Boyd
Places of Worship
Church of Ireland - Parish Church, Drummaul - Rev. William Colquhoun, A.M., vicar First Presbyterian Church - Rev. James E. Ferguson, M.A. Second Presbyterian Church - Rev. J. K. Elliott Third Presbyterian Church - Rev. Robert Marr Wesleyan Methodist Church - Ministers, various Roman Catholic Chapel - Rev. J. McGraham, P.P.; Rev. Mr. White, C.C.
Nobility, Clergy, Gentry, etc.
Carson, J. J. H., J.P., Millmount Colquhoun, Rev. William, vicar Denham, Rev. Wm., Cloverhill Ferguson, Rev. James E., Neilsbrook Marr, Rev. Robert, Rosebrook, Drumminaway McKee, James, M.D., physician and surgeon McDonnell, Michael, surgeon O'Neill, Right Hon. and Rev. Lord, Shane's Castle O'Neill, Hon. Robert, Shane's Castle Elliott, Rev. J. K., The Manse Smythe, Rev. H., Students' Recess, Craigmore Webb, Charles J., Knockvarre House Webb, Richard T., Knockvarre House
Traders, etc.
Adams, D. & S., watch makers Allen, Robert, grocer Armstrong, Robert, tailor Armstrong, Francis, tailor Barrett, Mrs., grocer Barclay, James, spirit dealer Black, John, shoe maker Bonar, Robert, grocer Bradley, John, manufacturing chemist, Randalstown Butler & Co., woollen drapers, etc. Connor, Robert, draper Connor, Mary, grocer Corry, Robert, assistant county surveyor Craig, Miss, millinery, etc. Davison, Miss, milliner Davison, Samuel, saddlery and harness Downey, Francis, surveyor Ewing, James, carpenter and builder French, Charles, Temperance Hotel Gilbert, The Misses, grocers Gribben, John, grocer Hannan, Charles, spirit dealer Hannan, Mrs., grocer Howard, Whiteside, Farmers' Hotel and posting establishment Irwin, Mrs., grocer Johnston, Francis, tailor Kerr, Mrs., O'Neill Arms Hotel Magee, James, shoe maker Mundell, James, shoe maker Murray, Miss, milliner McAlister, Daniel, grain merchant and general dealer McAuley, Donald, hotel and posting establishment McAuley, Arthur, draper McCleary, William, shoe maker McFadden, Hugh, grocer McGrath, Francis, crockery and fancy goods McKay, Robert, baker McManus, H., & Sons, builders, timber and iron merchants McNally, James, shoe maker McVea, John, saddlery and harness Neeson, Peter, grocer, painter and glazier Noble, Robert, butcher O'Kane, Bernard, grocer and spirit dealer Peoples, Wm. J., draper Porter, John, draper Robinson, Edmund, grocer and petty sessions clerk Stevenson, John, sub post master Swan, Thomas, grocer and weigh master Warden, Robert, grocer Webb, Brothers, linen manufacturers, etc. Weir, John, grocer Wright, Robert, grocer and leather
William Stevenson Born in Armagh, Ulster, Ireland on 1790 to Thomas Robert Stevenson and Mary Bigum. William married Sarah M Mcgee. He passed away on 28 Sep 1865 in Muskingum, Ohio, USA. Parents Thomas Robert Stevenson 1756-1837 Mary Bigum 1754-1842 Spouse(s) Sarah M Mcgee 1802-1887
Thomas Robert Stevenson Born in Scotland on 7 Oct 1756. Thomas Robert married Mary Bigum and had 8 children. He passed away on 7 Oct 1837 in Muskingum. Children Mary Bigum 1754-1842 Jane Stevenson Samuel Robert Stevenson 1810-1886 William Stevenson 1790-1865 James Robert Stevenson 1799-1870 Archibald Stevenson 1818-1886 Mary Stevenson 1804-1885 Hugh Stevenson 1808-1846 Eliza Stevenson 1810-1897
Richard Howard Stevenson was born in July 1852 and came to America from County Armagh around 1865. He was the son of William Stevenson [William Stevenson] (b. 1813 in County Armagh, Northern Ireland) and Jane Stevenson Mills[Jane Stevenson] (b. 1815 in County Armagh, Northern Ireland.)
In the year 1854
at age 41 or so William brought his family to the United States and settled in New York City. (wife Jane Mills Stevenson; )