The infamous “Krugersdorp Killers' ” four-year murder spree:
A mother (Marinda Steyn), her two children (Le Roux and Marcel Steyn) and two associates are said to have committed 11 murders between 2012 – 2016.
Key Profiles:
- Marinda, seen as the mastermind, has been sentenced to 11 life sentences, putting her in jail for 115 years in total.
- Le Roux Steyn, her son, received a 25-year jail term after entering into a plea agreement with the state.
- His younger sister Marcel as well as the unrelated Cecilia Steyn and Zak Valentine will have their fate decided in October.
- John Barnard, 42 in 2017, is already serving time in prison for his role in the murders.
Murder details of the Krugersdorp Killers:
July 2012:
Natacha Burger and Joyce Bonzaaier were both long-term neighbours and members of the Overcomers Through Christ group. They were brutally stabbed to death in a twisted revenge plot concocted by Cecilia Steyn, who had fallen out with the OTC leader.
August 2012: A former pastor of Overcomers Through Christ, 75-year-old Reginald Bendixen, was hacked to death with an axe at his home in Honeydew.
October 2012: Zak, Marinda and Marcel carried out the murder of Zak Valetine’s wife, Mikeila, when it became apparent she could not support the killing spree. The 25-year-old spouse was reported to have been involved in their first murder.
Mikeila met a particularly gruesome end. As TimesLive reported, police said that her “blood and intestines were splattered on the ceiling”.
November 2015: After a three-year hiatus, the Krugersdorp Killers returned with a vengeance. Another associate John Barnard convinced the murderers than Joan and Peter Meyer had “millions of rand” stashed away at home.
They raided the printing business owners, only to find no cash was in the safe. This tipped Zak Valentine over the edge. He proceeded to stab the couple to death in their own living room.
December 2015: A 44-year-old street vendor is found dead in a car crash. It transpired that John Barnard orchestrated the killing, in a bizarre plot to pass him off as Zak Valentine and claim the life insurance money.
January 2016: Accountant Glen McGregor is shot in the stomach as the group force him to transfer money into Marinda Steyn’s bank account.
May 2016: A trail of bodies are discovered across Gauteng. Insurance brokers Anthony Schofield and Kevin McAlpine were both conned into offering their services to the Steyns, who held the men at gunpoint, acquired their card numbers, and left them strangled to death and abandoned in two car boots.
This is the same month that 52-year-old estate agent Hanle Lategan’s body is found next to a stream in Randfontein. She would be the group’s eleventh and final victim, as Le Roux and Marcel Steyn were arrested a month later.
- https://www.thesouthafrican.com/krugersdorp-killers-details-murder-...
- https://www.pressreader.com/south-africa/sunday-times/20170625/2815...
- https://krugersdorpnews.co.za/355267/krugersdorpmurders-interesting...
- https://www.pressreader.com/south-africa/sunday-times/20170625/2815...
- https://krugersdorpnews.co.za/355267/krugersdorpmurders-interesting...
- https://www.news24.com/MyNews24/Deliver-us-from-Absurdity-20121015
- https://www.pressreader.com/south-africa/sunday-times/20171210/2840...