Start My Family Tree Welcome to Geni, home of the world's largest family tree.
Join Geni to explore your genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.

Things you want to tell GENI!

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This is not a serious 'historical' project, rather a place to highlight issues that Geni could address, and make however absurd suggestions! Please keep the contents positive and Geni Software related.

Everyone is welcome to join, but please do not edit any of the existing items. Add your suggestions, if not in duplicate, at the bottom. Please ask one of the existing Collaborators.

1. Please provide better documentation to new users. Instruct them on the Big Tree, that they should link to it. Point them to the most important projects they should join. This can also be country specific.

2. Prevent mergers with MH trees that are not as large as Geni's Big Tree. Or only allow information from MyHeritage that is NOT on Geni.

3. Add more detailed relationships. Currently there is only the strongest relationship, which is kind of meaningless as it is one of many and not the true-est indicator. Suggestion: Create the 'Geni Relationship Index' which will show how many ties you have with a person / how far back, in TOTAL and the average strength thereof.

4. Send out Monthly emails - maybe highlighting what Geni is busy with and the progress thereof, the totals: # profiles added, #members joined, #profiles merged etc.

5. Include Profiles Linked/Unlinked in the Home Screen for users/profiles you are following.

6. Improve the 'Search People' lookup functionality where there are small differences in spelling. Sites like and MH also give many 'approximate' matches, while Geni is much too precise, especially given the flexibility of the spelling over time and user preferences.

7. When adding a spouse, please add the functionality to add the date of relationship and place on the same screen.

8. Transactions on a profile revisions list disappear if there are others also working on profile at the same time.

9 The 'search people' function on Geni is very poor. You get lots of completely irrelevant answers and not the person you are looking for (whom you know is on the tree.) Surely this can be improved by a good programmer versed in database programming.

10. Matching of duplicates is just as poor - more often than not, completely irrelevant. Another job for a good programmer.

11. Private profiles do not belong on a site like Geni where everybody is supposed to contribute to a world tree. How are you supposed to know that a person is already on the tree ? People who want their own private tree should do it on My Heritage. As both Geni and MH belong to the same people, they can give them the option when joining.

12. As in point 7 make the functionality available to add baptismal information on the same page.

13. Add the functionality to do an un-merge immediately following an accidental incorrect merge.

14 Sometimes (not always) the relationship tab is not available.

15. Put the profiles in alphabetical order, for large projects especially.

16. Similar to 15 (as alternative or else by user choice perhaps?) : Put the profiles in CHRONOLOGICAL order, especially for the historical oriented projects with a high number of people.

17. There are a lot of duplicate profiles, and even whole trees of the same family on Geni. This can be prevented by having a function to inform you that a profile already exists on Geni immediately after entering it, not months or even years later. I have just entered about 60 people and then by accident found that they all already existed. A lot of unnecessary work !

18.Please read the discussion "Naming conventions and merge issues" ! There should be only ONE rule for everybody worldwide and only you can determine what that rule should be. There should not be loopholes for any individual or group to make his own rules.