Thornhill Cemetery
Also Known as: Thornhill Community Cemetery
Thornhill cemetery was started in 1867 as a non-denominational burying ground. A founding meeting was held Oct 26, and a nine member Board of Directors was elected. Shortly thereafter, a two acre block of land was purchased and divided into 200 plots, each 8 ft. by 12 ft. A burial plot cost $2.00. A vault or 'dead house' was also built. The cemetery was enlarged in 1911 by the acquisition of a wedge-shaped piece of land near John St. The iron and stone gateway and steel fance were added in 1943 after Halloween vandals destroyed an earlier white picket fence. In 1959 the central road was paved, water brought in, and the vault removed. The oldest stone in the cemetery, relocated here, reads 'Matthias Sanders, fell at the battle of York, Nov 1813, aged 40 years.' Note the admonition at the base of the Mundy tombstone:
Passerby, as you are now, so once was I. As I am now, so you will be. Prepare for death and eternity.
Erected by the Society for the Preservation of Historic Thornhill, 2000 A.D.
Cemetery Address: 1 Church Lane (at John St), Thornhill
Concession 1, Lot 30, Markham Township
GPS: 43.816041,-79.419407
Maintained by: Trustees of Thornhill Cemetery