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Three Bees Trees ~ Ball Baker Bowen

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With an ever growing list of my family to find, for others as well as myself, I am creating this project to share. The roots and the leaves! Join me!

Profiles added may be for mutiple reasons. Primarily those that could be a lineage society or of interesting biographies. They may or may not be proven. This is a roadmap tool to help focus. The rabbit holes are many! I will update below the categories.

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DAR Daughters of the American Revolution

*** Moses Ball
*** George Ball
*** Amos Knapp
*** Robert Brashears
** Joshua Phipps
*** Ebenezer Ingoldsby
** Thomas Stephens



Civil War

*** Silas Bowen - SCV  CSA Private in Company D, 1st Regiment, Georgia Reserves
*   Jesse Swain - Union, Co. K 12 KY Inf.
*   Weston Bailey - Union, Co. G 52 PA Inf.