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Tomski_Work in Progress

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  • Sophie Kaatz (1877 - 1944)
    Deported from Berlin to Theresiendstadt on March 17, 1943.
  • Albert Katz (1874 - 1952)
  • Emilie Leichtentritt (1893 - c.1942)
    1893 birth record on Ancestry. Bundesarchiv Gedenkbuch has DOB incorrect as 1903,; I have notified them of the error
  • Salomon Wohl (1855 - 1942)
    Sterbe: Widower Registered by the unmarried Johanna KAMM Not in Gedenkbuch
  • Walter Israel (1889 - d.)
    Heirat_1935: Divorced 1936

This "project" is to tag profiles that I have yet to complete