4 July 1635
“The under-written names are to be transported to Virginea imbarqued in the Transport of London Edward Walker, master. Certificate from the Minister of Gravesend of their conformitie to the orders & discipline of the Church of England."
Alphabetical order:
- Adams Andrew 18
- Anderson Richard 17
- Anley Nathan 28
- Armstrong Henry 22
- Arp Jo 19
- Ashon George 22
- Atkinson Richard 21
- Baker Ellis 21
- Banister Henry 22
- Barber Geo 20
- Barnes Barnabie 35
- Barnes Henrie 22
- Bateman Robert 20
- Baylie Jo 42
- Beane Steeven 20
- Beckwith Robert 21
- Bick Francis 23
- Bick Richard 18
- Block Steeven 18
- Breddy Patrick 21
- Briggoll Mark 21
- Brisco Ann 22
- Brotherton Hester 18
- Burket Henry 34
- Burlie Alexander 18
- Bush Jo 17
- Castell Henry 22
- Charles Dorothie 20
- Clark Francis 28
- Coles Thomas 32
- Cooke Wm 20
- Cooper Richard 28
- Corker Elizabeth 19
- Covett Robert 25
- Cranfield Thomas 14
- Critch Richard 27
- Downes Walter 24
- Drue Edward 18
- Eggleston Richard 24
- Farest Robert 20
- Farrar Robert 24
- Fossitt Robt 26
- Fox John 33
- Freeman Bennet 20
- Gawyn Brian Mr 3
- Gee John 18
- Glynn Bryan 20
- Godfrey Jo 21
- Golthorp Ralph 20
- Goodson John 21
- Greene Robert 20
- Grimston Anthony 20
- Gudderidge Ann 23
- Hadnet Humfrey 22
- Harbert Wm 15
- Hardiss Joan 18
- Hardisse Willm 22
- Harris John 28
- Harrison John 30
- Hart Wm 26
- Hatchet Tho 19
- Hathorn Jo 20
- Hollidge Roger 19
- Honniborn Robert 21
- Horne Jo 21
- Hudson Wm 20
- Hunt Edward 19
- Ison Edward 20
- Jenkinson Robert 18
- Johnson George 19
- Johnson Tho 23
- Jones Phillip 22
- Jones Symon 40
- Judd Harbert 16
- Kevynn Robert 19
- Kidson Marmaduke 18
- Lakeland Sibbell 25
- Lancaster Gowen 28
- Lane Rebecca 22
- Lee John 16
- Lewes Robert 38
- Lincoln Elizabeth 23
- Lloyd Richard 28
- Long Katherin 34
- Mason Wm 30
- Maton Richard 23
- Meddowes Henry 20
- Medley Robert 16
- Midland Geo 19
- More Tho 18
- More Tho 21
- Neale Jonathan 12
- Neese Wm 23
- Page Wm 18
- Parson Jo 18
- Patient Nathaniell 16
- Payne Tho 23
- Petley Richard 22
- Phillips James 26
- Porter Henry 30
- Pownd Jo 20
- Pryme Edmond 16
- Reddman Wm 18
- Richardson Tho 26
- Riley Elizabeth 18
- Rodgers Ellener 19
- Roe Edward 17
- Rogerson Ellin 20
- Rose Daniell 25
- Russell Jo 14
- Russell Jo 16
- Salter Edward 19
- Sames Elizabeth 19
- Saunders Thomas 20
- Sexston Peter 20
- Sharp Richard 15
- Smith Peter 25
- Somerton John 24
- Sprawe Oliff 21
- Spreate Jo 20
- Steevens Tho 25
- Syard Jo 38
- Sympson Daniel 17
- Thomson Edward 24
- True John 26
- Tynman Robert 21
- Van Heck Olliver 35
- Van Heck Peter 7
- Voss John 22
- Vxor Van Heck Katherin 34
- Waller Jo 19
- Waller Peter 24
- Wallington Willm 32
- Wandall Ann 18
- Waters Jo 29
- Watson Margaret 18
- Watson Wm 24
- Webster Francis 27
- Wever Richard 27
- Wheatlie Richard 32
- White Ellin 26
- White Wm 37
- White Wm 7 weeks
- Williams Tho 18
- Wilson John 32
- Wise John 18
- Witton Jo 16
- Woddall Jo 18
- Woddall Patrick 20
- Yore Elizabeth 23
- https://www.packrat-pro.com/ships/transport.htm Hotten P of Q pages 101-103, transcribed by Cinthy Rossen research and compilation was done by Anne Stevens of packrat-pro.com
- Passengers to America [database on-line]. Page 90-91. AncestryImage