North American Tribes
Includes the following States
Connecticut | Delaware | District of Columbia | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New York | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | Vermont
Includes the following Tribes
Abenaki Acquintanacsnak Algonkin Algonquian Family Arosaguntacook Atquanachuke Beothuk Family Brotherton Chickahominy Conestoga Delaware Erie Fox Hathawekela (Absentee Shawnee) Huron Illinois Iroquois Kickapoo Manhattan Mahican Malecite Marameg Martha's Vineyard Indians Mascouten Mashpee Maskegon Massachuset Matinecoc Mattabesic Meits Metoac Miami Mohawk Mohegan Moravians Munsee Nanticoke Narragansett Nauset Neutrals Niantic ( Eastern) (Western) Nipissing Nipmuc Ojibwe Onondaga Ontonagon Passamaquoddy Pennacook Penobscot Pequawket Pequot Piankashaw Pocomtic Poosepatuck Potawatomi Powhatan Saconnet Saluda Saponi Sauk Seneca Shawnee Shinnecock Susquehanna Tionontati Tutelo Tunxis Unalachtigo Unami Wampanoag Wappinger WeanocWenrohronon