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United States Senators from Iowa

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  • John Culver, U.S. Senator (1932 - 2018)
    John Chester Culver, a Representative and a Senator from Iowa; born in Rochester, Olmsted County, Minn., August 8, 1932; attended Cedar Rapids public schools; graduated Harvard College in 1954; served ...
  • Richard L. Murphy, U.S. Senator (1875 - 1936)
    Louis Murphy was born to John and Anna Murphy in Dubuque, Iowa, on November 6, 1875. His father was the publisher of the Dubuque Telegraph-Herald. [1] Louis attended the public schools in Dubuque, incl...
  • Roger Jepsen, U.S. Senator
    Roger William Jepsen, a Senator from Iowa; born in Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, Iowa, December 23, 1928; attended the public schools; attended the University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls; graduated...
  • US Senator Dick C. Clark (1928 - 2023)
    Former Iowa Sen. Dick Clark dies at 95 He played a key role in aiding refugees after the Vietnam War. DES MOINES, Iowa — Former U.S. Sen. Dick Clark, a Democrat who unexpectedly won a single term repr...
  • Jack Miller, U.S. Senator (1916 - 1994)
    Jack Richard Miller, a Senator from Iowa; born in Chicago, Cook County, Ill., June 6, 1916; moved to Sioux City, Iowa, with his parents in 1932; graduated from Creighton University, Omaha, Nebr., in 19...

United States Senators from Iowa

United States Senators from Iowa (U.S. Senate website):

List of United States Senators from Iowa (with wikipedia links):