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Victims of the Pirčiupiai Massacre (Pirčiupių tragedija)

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  • Rozalija Uždavinienė (c.1907 - 1944)
    Died at age 37-38. Victim of Nazi action : Married Jonas in Valkininkai on February 20, 1928 per husband's birth/baptismal entry in the books of Pirčiupiai Roman Catholic Parish.
  • Juozas Verbaitis (b. - 1944)
    'Died as Victim of Nazi action. See link below
  • Marcisė Verbaitytė (c.1906 - 1944)
    'Died at age 38. Victim of Nazi action. See link below
  • Marė Uždavinienė (c.1870 - 1944)
    'Died at age 74. Victim of Nazi action. See link below
  • Stasys Uždavinys (c.1925 - 1944)
    Died at age 19. Victim of Nazi action. See link below

Pirčiupiai is a village in Valkininkų [lt] (Valkininkai) eldership, Varėna district municipality, Alytus County, Dzūkija region, Lithuania. According to the 2001 census, the village had a population of 103 people. At the 2011 census, the population was 75.

The village is known since 16th century, when Grand Dukes of Lithuania used it as hunting grounds. On June 3, 1944, a group of Nazi Germans were attacked by Soviet partisans in a nearby forest. The Germans sent a punishment squadron and burned alive almost all inhabitants of Pirčiupiai. On that day 119 people (including 49 children under age of 16) were killed and only 13 escaped from the Pirčiupiai massacre. The SS Commander Walter Titel of the 16th SS Police Regiment ordered that the civilians were burnt alive. The bodies were allowed to be buried only after a week on June 11, 1944. A monument, called "Mother of Pirčiupiai", was erected in 1960 and commemorates the event.

1944 m. birželio 3 d. kaimą ištiko didelė nelaimė. Keršydami už sovietų partizanų nužudytus kelis vokiečių kareivius, SS 16-ojo pulko 3-ojo bataliono 9-oji ir 10-oji kuopos išplėšė kaimą, o Pirčiupių gyventojus sudegino gyvus. Žuvo 119 žmonių. [4] Išsigelbėjo 39 gyventojai. [5] Tik po savaitės, birželio 11 d., Valkininkų klebonui Juozui Bardišauskui leista palaidoti aukas. 1947 m. tragedijai atminti pastatyti du aukšti kryžiai, vėliau jų pastatyta daugiau, tačiau sovietai juos sunaikino.

1981 m. tragedijos tema sukurtas Almanto Grikevičiaus filmas „Faktas“ (scenarijaus autorius Vytautas Žalakevičius). Poetas Justinas Marcinkevičius tragedijai atminti parašė poemą „Kraujas ir pelenai“.