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Visitation of London in 1568

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  • Bevis Lee (deceased)
  • Alice Ramsey (b. - 1577)
  • William Dale (deceased)
  • Dame Mary Ramsey (b. - 1601)
    MARY DALE (d. November 1601)Mary Dale was the daughter of William Dale, a Bristol merchant. She married three times, but the name of her first husband is unknown. Her second husband was Thomas Avery (d...
  • William Ramsey (deceased)

This project is sub-project of the Heraldic Visitations of England and Wales Project. See the main project page for more info: Heraldic Visitations of England and Wales

This project catalogues all the families recorded in the following publication:

Howard, J.J.; Armytage, G.J., eds. (1869). The Visitation of London in the year 1568, taken by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux King of Arms, and since augmented both with descents and arms. Harleian Society, 1st ser. 1. London.

Descendants researching families in the Visitation are encouraged to join and help add other family members listed in the visitation.

London families chronicled in this Visitation. The links go to the most recent generation chronicled in the Visitation. In other words, the family actually visited by the King of Arms:

  • Albaney - p. 48
  • Aldersey - p. 32
  • Allaunson, of London - p. 96
  • Allen 1 - p. 6
  • Allen 2 - p. 53
  • Anes - p. 65
  • Anthony - p. 43
  • Astry - p. 58
  • Avenon - p. 3
  • Backhouse - p. 63
  • Bacon - p. 9
  • Barne - p. 25
  • Barney - p. 59
  • Barnham - p. 88
  • Baron 1 - p. 87
  • Baron 2 - p. 91
  • Baron 3 - p. 94
  • Beckett - p. 31
  • Beccher - p. 9
  • Benne - p. 60
  • Billingsley - p. 69
  • Birde - p. 68
  • Biston - p. 30
  • Blanck - p. 12
  • Blount - p. 28
  • Bowes - p. 29
  • Boxe - p. 10
  • Bradbery - p. 65
  • Bragden - p. 48
  • Bramstone - p. 56
  • Branche - p. 13
  • Brett - p. 47
  • Browne 1 - p. 20
  • Browne 2 - p. 24
  • Browne 3 - p. 25
  • Browne 4 - p. 62
  • Bruges - p. 79
  • Bullock - p. 82
  • Burton - p. 31
  • Candeler - p. 33
  • Carrowe - p. 45
  • Castelyn - p. 39
  • Champion - p. 3
  • Chester - p. 1
  • Coleclogh - p. 52
  • Colston 1 - p. 32
  • Colston 2 - p. 74
  • Conyers - p. 33
  • Cooper - p. 66
  • Cordell - p. 91
  • Cosworth - p. 16
  • Cowper - p. 83
  • Dale 1 - p. 66
  • Dale 2 - p. 94
  • Dalton - p. 44
  • Dane - p. 10
  • Dawbney - p. 58
  • Dene - p. 89
  • Dod - p. 22
  • Dove - p. 58
  • Draper - p. 4
  • Duckett - p. 7
  • Dyxye - p. 16
  • Edwardes (Jarvis?) - p. 43
  • Egerton - p. 17
  • Erdeswick - p. 55
  • Essex - p. 81
  • Fairfax - p. 23
  • Farrington - p. 48
  • Fifeild alias Lowe - p. 76
  • Freare - p. 82
  • Freeman - p. 93
  • Gabott - p. 95
  • Gamage - p. 14
  • Gardenor - p. 42
  • Gardner - p. 87
  • Garrard - p. 5
  • Gaynsford - p. 41
  • Gilbert - p. 39
  • Grange - p. 67
  • Gresham - p. 15
  • Grey - p. 70
  • Harborne - p. 83
  • Harbye - p. 86
  • Hall 1 - p. 50
  • Hall 2 - p. 50
  • Harding 1 - p. 18
  • Harding 2 - p. 54
  • Harison - p. 73
  • Harper - p. 4
  • Hartford - p. 37
  • Harvy - p. 13
  • Hawes - p. 7
  • Haydon - p. 78
  • Heath - p. 37
  • Lambert - p. 26
  • Langley - p. 6
  • Lanson - p. 61
  • Le Maire - p. 93
  • Le Tayor - p. 23
  • Lee - p. 56
  • Leigh - p. 11
  • Leveson - p. 18
  • Longe - p. 61
  • Lovell - p. 71
  • Lowen - p. 19
  • Lucar - p. 49
  • Luddington - p. 46
  • Mabbe - p. 39
  • Mansbridge - p. 45
  • Marbury - p. 51
  • Martyn - p. 2
  • Metcalfe - p. 42
  • Morgan - p. 95
  • Muschamp - p. 41
  • Mylles - p. 11
  • Naylour - p. 90
  • Nicolls - p. 66
  • Offley - p. 64
  • Okeover - p. 62
  • Oliph - p. 8
  • Osborne - p. 15
  • Parker - p. 47
  • Partridge - p. 37
  • Pattenson - p. 63
  • Peacock - p. 80
  • Philipps 1 - p. 28
  • Philipps 2 - p. 71
  • Philipson - p. 66
  • Pierson - p. 31
  • Pipe - p. 10
  • Pope - p. 45
  • Prowze - p. 49
  • Pullison - p. 47
  • Quarles - p. 73
  • Ramsey - p. 68
  • Redman - p. 54
  • Rich - p. 27
  • Rigges - p. 65
  • Rivell - p. 51
  • Rivers - p. 7
  • Rivett - p. 19
  • Romney - p. 88
  • Rowe - p. 5
  • Salkyns - p. 22
  • Sandforde - p. 60
  • Sares - p. 67
  • Saunders - p. 34
  • Searle - p. 90
  • Sebright - p. 14
  • Shaa - p. 77
  • Skynner - p. 86
  • Smyth 1 - p. 21
  • Smyth 2 - p. 44
  • Smyth 3 - p. 69
  • Smythe - p. 33
  • Sotherton - p. 80
  • Sowdeak - p. 59
  • Staper - p. 30
  • Stile - p. 84
  • Stoddard - p. 27
  • Sutton - p. 77
  • Tedcastle - p. 73
  • Thwaytes - p. 72
  • Trappes - p. 21
  • Treswell - p. 92
  • Tuck - p. 38
  • Turfeet, of London - p. 72
  • Villett alias Violet - p. 73
  • Walkeden - p. 18
  • Walton - p. 57
  • Wanton - p. 62
  • Warner - p. 64
  • Warren - p. 8
  • Wasse - p. 40
  • Wayer - p. 63
  • Weaver - p. 35
  • Weld - p. 91
  • White - p. 2
  • Wilkynson - p. 57
  • Witton - p. 53
  • Wodroff - p. 12
  • Woore - p. 71
  • Wycliff - p. 71
  • Yorke - p. 81
  • Young - p. 70


Visitations are an excellent way of identifying medieval and Tudor ancestors. Care should be taken with them however, as they were often based on family memory and contain errors.

As with all sources used in tracing your family history, whenever possible the information gained should be used to direct you to other contemporary sources (such as wills, inquisitions post mortem, etc.), so you can verify what you have found out.