'"Erich (born Isak) Wagowski was a Jewish film producer in Germany. He actually was part of the family we posted about just previous to this post. Like them, he was born in Lodz, Poland (1896) and came to Germany seeking opportunity. (His sister Rose also came to Germany and lived in Ulm as well).
'Erich settled in Munich where he became a somewhat successful producer. He produced the film "Nathan the Wise" (a scene of which you see here) in 1922. Based on the 1779 play by Lessing, it is a story about religious tolerance. When it came out, the film provoked protests in Munich from far-right groups who felt it was too pro-Jewish.
'Erich Wagowski also produced some other silent films in the 1920s, in particular "Helena" which told the ancient Greek epic of Helen of Troy. The film was made in 1924 on a grandiose scale with thousands of extras, and large sets. The film has been described as a masterpiece, although it was so expensive that it seriously damaged the finances of Bavaria Film, a company he partially owned with the director he always worked with, Manfred Noa (who was also Jewish and originally from Berlin). The financial loss the film dealt the company and thus them personally is probably a large factor in Wagowski's choice to commit suicide in Munich in 1927."
USC ShoahFoundation
Video Testimony
The Testimony Book Trailer | Halina Wagowska
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'"Lodz Ghetto Hospital Death Records"
'"Name: Wagowski, Jakob-Laib, Born: 1872 in Lodz, Date of Death: Jan. 28, 1942, Place of Death: Lodz Ghetto Hospital, Cause of Death:' 'Starvation, Source: Hospital Records 26-Jan-1942 8 267"
'"Name: Wagowska, Hinda, Born: 1892 in Lodz, Date of Death: Aug.2, 1942, Place of Death: Lodz Ghetto Hospital, Cause of Death: Malnutrition, Source: Hospital Records 08-Mar-1942 2 63"
'"Name: Wagowska, Krajndla 'Born:1894 in Lodz, Date of Death: Aug.5, 1942, Place of Death: Lodz Ghetto Hospital, 'Cause of Death: Malnutrition, Source:Hospital 'Records 08-Mar-1942 7 218"
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'"Hidden Children in France"
'"Name: Wagowski, Leib Year Born: 1907 Place Born: Lodz
'Source List:Polish Jews Liberated from the Bergen-Belsen Camp - 8C 'Page 101"
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'"Jewish Lodz Cemetery" (Wagowsk*)
'stevemorse.org Lodz one step results(Wagowsk*)
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'"Lodz Registration Cards 1916-1920"
'WAGOWSKI families Lodz Registration Cards links:
'https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/39/221/0/4.12/25163/str/1/1/15/yD_N2CH4... 'https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/39/221/0/4.12/25163/str/1/1/15/qXhROK2l... 'https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/39/221/0/4.12/25163/str/1/1/15/qM7eXetx... 'https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/39/221/0/4.12/25163/str/1/1/15/b3gEScGG... 'https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/39/221/0/4.12/25163/str/1/1/15/fP1MCdwI... 'https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/39/221/0/4.12/25163/str/1/1/15/Cc-9TDVr... 'https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/39/221/0/4.12/25163/str/1/1/15/HGTD47bj... 'https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/39/221/0/4.12/25163/str/1/1/15/9-yA-Q5H... 'https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/39/221/0/4.12/25163/str/1/2/15/SX3RytQU... 'https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/39/221/0/4.12/25163/str/1/2/15/gpOL5IJb... 'https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/39/221/0/4.12/25163/str/1/2/15/ntP5qVh0... 'https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/39/221/0/4.12/25163/str/1/2/15/qnl8EIiY... 'https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/39/221/0/4.12/25163/str/1/2/15/8b9kMg9Z... 'https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/39/221/0/4.12/25163/str/1/2/15/TwcDQhCS... 'https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/39/221/0/4.12/25163/str/1/2/15/mBfJtQih... 'https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/39/221/0/4.12/25163/str/1/2/15/yIQKr5iQ... 'https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/39/221/0/4.12/25163/str/1/2/15/dj_F3eF6... 'https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/39/221/0/4.12/25163/str/1/2/15/olqSSNOV... 'https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/39/221/0/4.12/25163/str/1/2/15/a2i-Ok6G... 'https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/39/221/0/4.12/25163/str/1/2/15/t0n9Ng-H... 'https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/39/221/0/4.12/25163/str/1/2/15/TDq-ZPkV...
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'"Lodz KehilaLinks":
'"CRARG: Holocaust-Era Records"
'"Children of the Lodz Ghetto" ( Archived Research Project )
'HALINA WAGOWSKA girl Gymnasium and high school for girls, 'https://www.ushmm.org/online/lodzchildren/projectvictim_summary.php...
'CHANA WAGOWSKA girl School #9B 'https://www.ushmm.org/online/lodzchildren/projectvictim_summary.php...
'LIBA WAGOWSKA girl School #5 'https://www.ushmm.org/online/lodzchildren/projectvictim_summary.php...
'R. WAGOWSKA girl School #11B 'https://www.ushmm.org/online/lodzchildren/projectvictim_summary.php...
'? WAGOWSKA girl School #7A 'https://www.ushmm.org/online/lodzchildren/projectvictim_summary.php...
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