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Willie Anice Middleton nee Posey

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  • Willie Anice Middleton (1907 - 1983)
    SS# 466-18-1181 Death certificate number Search #1: Middleton, Anice Index: Texas Deaths 1983 Name Located: Middleton, Anice Posey County: McLennan Date: 02-09-1983 Certificate Number: 013428-83

Trying to get the birth certificates out of Tx Vital Statistics

What an absolute joke. You fill out the form, pay the fee and then nothing. Then you contact these people and they have NO interest whatsoever. Send another form to you which is blatantly the wrong form, you point this out to them, again absolutely NO interest.

You then get the original form posted back to you again, which we then go back and say you have it and you also have our money which you cashed 14 months ago so where is the birth certificate.

Sorry we have no record of this, well how can that be as she was born after these were compulsory and also received social security for year, so it is not like she was not a person

Moral of the story, half wits and idiots rein supreme in the civil service of Texas, most of which should be sacked.

Finally got it, had to go to the County office of Births and Deaths as the TX DoVS was bloody hopeless and still say no record, good tax payer funded enterprise!