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Winnebago County, Wisconsin

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  • Arnold Henry Nikolainpoika Hongisto (1928 - 1987)
    Residence : 1930 - Wakefield, Gogebic, Michigan, USA* Immigration : 1913 Henkikirjoitus Kunta: Wakefield Laskenta-alue: 0025 Rivi: 46 Piirikunta: Gogebic Sarjat: T626 Kuva: 690 Valtio: Michigan Rulla: ...
  • Norman Francis "Choo Choo" Westphal, ♊ (1932 - 2018)
    Norman F. Westphal “Choo Choo” age 86, of Menasha, passed away on Friday, April 13th 2018. Norm grew up on his parent’s farm, Erwin & Lily Westphal of Neenah. He attended both Neenah & Winneconne Schoo...
  • James Michael Ploor (1920 - 2010)
    James M. Ploor, 90, of Neenah, passed away peacefully Thursday, November 4, 2010, at Theda Clark Medical Center. Jim was born May 22, 1920, in Neenah, the son of George and Adeline (Landio) Ploor. Jim ...
  • Edmund Clarence Ploor (1918 - 1989)
    United States Army World War II
  • Clifford Edward Koerner (1934 - 2003)
    Clifford E. Koerner, 69, May 30, 1934 - July 20, 2003, of Rancho Santa Fe died Sunday. He was born in Menasha, Wis. and was an airline captain for American Airlines. He served in the Air Force. Surviv...

Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Winnebago County, Wisconsin.

Official Website

Winnebago County was created in 1840 and organized in 1848. The name Winnebago is of Algonquin origin, with variations used by the Fox and Potowatomi to refer to the Fox River below Lake Winnebago, which sometimes got muddy and full of fish. It means 'people dwelling by the fetid or ill-smelling water', which may also refer to a sulfur spring.

For a complete list of Villages, Towns & Communities, please see Wikipedia.

Adjacent Counties


  • Appleton (part)
  • Menasha (part)
  • Neenah
  • Omro
  • Oshkosh (County Seat)


Cemeteries of Wisconsin


National Register of Historic Places

Oshkosh Public Library Genealogy Resources

Genealogy Trails

Ancestral Trackers

Winnebago County Historical & Archaeological Society

Welsh Settlers of Winnebago & Fond du Lac Counties


New Horizons Genealogy