Woodlands is a small town in the Southland region of New Zealand's South Island on the banks of the Waihopai River. It is northeast of Invercargill between Dacre and Longbush. Other nearby settlements are Rakahouka to the northwest and Rimu and Waituna to the south. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodlands,_New_Zealand
Woodlands Cemetery: 18 km from Invercargill. When travelling North on State Highway 1 the turn-off to Cemetery Road is to the left just inside the 80k sign and just before the Woodlands Township. The cemetery is well maintained and although it is quite close to the Main Road it has a special tranquility helped by a southern border of well established trees. Care should be taken if entering the cemetery grounds in a vehicle in wet weather... Parking is possible near to the gate and a small kiosk has a handy plan showing the cemetery layout and the names of those interred here. Source: https://frasersfunerals.co.nz/funeral-services/southland-cemeteries/