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  • Friedrich Süss (1914 - d.)
    Camp(s) Schnarchenreuth (Germany : Concentration Camp) Zossen-Wulkow bei Trebnitz (Germany : Concentration Camp)
  • F Shlomo /Hanus Fürth (1921 - 2017)
    Biography: Holocaust Survivor Liberated from Ghetto Terezin:
  • Jiří / Georg Brown (1920 - 2003)
    Deported Aug 3, 1942 with transport AAw-807 to Ghetto Theresienstadt. Liberated Terezín.
  • Ervin Pick (1915 - 1986)
  • Emanuel Wassermann (1904 - d.)
    Birth record

Wulkow was a labor commando of the Theresienstadt ghetto which lasted from March 1944 to February 1945. It is a small village next to Trebnitz, Brandenburg. Prisoners built here barracks for the RSHA. The commandant was the Viennese Franz Stuschka. A list of returnees is here: