Genealogy Projects tagged with strangled on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Strangled

    Strangling is compression of the neck that may lead to unconsciousness or death by causing an increasingly hypoxic state in the brain. Fatal strangling typically occurs in cases of violence, accidents, and as the auxiliary lethal mechanism in hangings in the event the neck does not break. Strangling does not have to be fatal; limited or interrupted strangling is practised in erotic asphyxia, in...

  • Killed by a Mob

    Killed by a Mob==Please add the profiles of those who were killed by a group of people with intent . This project excludes those executed by the state. If you know the specific means of death, please add the profile to the project that fits that cause of death also. * See these projects: Lynched ; Shot ; Stabbed ; Strangled ; Beating or Flogging * If the death resulted from accidental mob activ...