the KELLOGG foundations
the W.K. KELLOGG Foundation - since 1930
- http://www.wkkf.org/who-we-are/who-we-are.aspx
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W._K._Kellogg_Foundation
history Will Keith' foundation
- 1930 : ... founds ...
the J.C. KELLOGG Foundation - since 1954
history James C.' foundation
- 1954 : mr. & mrs. James C. Kellogg, III - - founded a private charitable foundation originally organized to provide assistance to families and children with POLIO. With the discovery of the Salk vaccine and the elimination of polio the Foundation directed its resources to funding scholarships for medical students.
- more recently : the Foundation focuses its resources on a variety of community and educational programs with a special interest in the city of Elizabeth, New Jersey where the Kelloggs lived.
- today (grand)-children of mr. & mrs. Kellogg manage the Foundation and continues a mission of community service and assistance started more than half a century ago.
The J.C. Kellogg Foundation seeks to provide creative financial support and other assistance to organizations serving a variety of community and educational needs. Typically this is support for a specific program or operating need, that may continue from one to several years. Eventually, however, the goal is to have a program be self-sufficient or develop alternate sources of support.
The Foundation does not accept unsolicited grant requests. It only accepts grant proposals based upon a prior request for proposal. Specifically grants are made to assist in three areas
- the City of Elizabeth
- children and education
- & a limited number of broadly focused charitable organizations.