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About the Buday surname

Localities called Buda,and especially former capital Buda in Hungary might have been named of Buddha son of Soama Chandra in the ancient times .

The city was formerly called Sicambria,likely until Alexander of Makedonia occupied it with his army collected in India and Persia when returning to Europe in order to revenge the death of his uncle . There might have among them been members of the mentioned Chandra dynasty who gave the name to the place .

Maurya empire in India in those days was founded by Chandra-Gupta,who might well be identical with Kassander ( Kas-Chander ) in the company of Alexander.Their dynastic name - Maurya - corresponds to the name of inhabitants of Mauretania who were of Médian origin according to early historicians . Modyor,how now locals in the city and elsewhere in the country formerly called Upper Makedonia

tend to call themselves,is also to derive from Méd ( pronounced Ma-ya-Wad ). They may all descend from Médos son of Aigeys ,king of Athénai, some of the descendants of whom founded earlier Pandya dyansty too in the Dekkan .  Maori nation in Polynesia may also take his origin from them .

Tamils speak a language related to Tupi-Guarani,just like the one Chandri tribe does in America . Buda people among Takanas though may also be in connection with them .

Lukesto or inkesto in the language of Gypsies in the sense of soldier may partly come from the name of one of the generals of the army ,of Alexander Lynkesta ( Lu-in-Kesta ) . Romani is a dialect of Brakhmin Levites descending from A'an-Ma-Rawa-Haya - called by jews and christians 'Amaryahu .

See Alexander,Zigeuner,Borsodi,Srnko,Cigan,Cygan,Zague,Czigány,Vajda,David,Pándy,Pandur,Dárday, Tupy,Katzander,Wanderstein,Gupta,Gyps,Hajdú,Kecskeméti,Kulak,Rácz,Bácsy,Szécsányi,Pesty,Magyar, Maghiar,Huron,Canada,Dickmann,Deliaga,Hagel,Weinhandler,Lingurar,Inca,Csepregi,Csesztregi,Eriksson, Szecsődy,Szecsey,Varsányi,Warschauer,Pércsy,Mudry,Mudrík,Kurdi,István,Körmendi,Vastag,Kövér,Jurinka, Tarasco,Petry,Trenka,Varga,Atyhay,Tulipan,Tavi,Czafik,Riyadi,Mohammed,Vajka,Dascal,Balikó,Mácsingó, Badár,Hadady,Urban,Marrocco,Hamburger,Balkar,Hannofer,László,Csángó,Kaminker,Malinka,Romano
and more !

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