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Catalano Genealogy and Catalano Family History Information

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  • Alberto Catalano (1884 - d.)
  • Guy Williams (1924 - 1989)
    Born Armando Catalano on Jan. 14, 1924 in New York, NY Died April 30, 1989 of heart attack in Buenos Aires, Argentina Guy Williams was a strikingly handsome actor who starred in the popular 1950s telev...
  • Concetta Maria Catalano Catalano (1818 - 1892)
    Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy : Jul 25 2023, 2:10:43 UTC
  • Dana Valery
    Dana Valery Catalano (born Fausta Dana Galli on July 15, 1944) is an Italian-born South African-reared singer, actress, and television performer who started her career in the entertainment industry a...
  • Filippo Catalano (c.1780 - 1837)
    GEDCOM Source ===@R53661527@ Italy, Select Deaths and Burials, 1809-1900 Operations, Inc. Italy Deaths and Burials, 1809-1900 . Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013. 1,990...

About the Catalano surname

I am looking for Maddalena Catalano, who was listed as nobility under the Magri/Macri surname. Catalano is her married name and she was considered the captain of justice in Sicily. here is an excerp from a Sicilian nobility website: "...An Agrippino, baron of Aere del Conte in the marital name of Maddalena Catalano, was captain of justice of said city in the years 1803-4 and 1811-12." I can get back on my Catalano side as far as Ignazio Catalano circa early 1800's. Her maiden name was Lamia. if I can find any information under either Surname, I would be ecstatic.