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About the Caudell surname


from Scottish researcher Bill Caddell

A Scottish researcher named Bill Caddell claims the surname is an ancient Highlander name from a Norman knight Hugo de Cadella. The name was 'gaelicized' into the name Calder meaning 'water between the woods'. The lowland pronunciation was 'Cawdor' and an ancestral castle was given this title. (The castle still stands). Mr. Caddell claims that all the names originate from this bloodline. Surnames: Caddell, Calder, Caudill, Caudle. Origin of Caudill, Meaning of Caudill

from American researcher Henry Caudill

Origin: Harry Caudill, of the University of Kentucky, noted in his book, Night Comes to the Cumberland, that the name was actually a title that belonged to a mercenary that ship wrecked onto the Scottish north coast as they were fleeing the English navy and attempting to return to Spain or native Portugual. That we are the original Black Scots because of our darker complexion and hair. This has always been my understanding of the genesis of our name.

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