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About the Diddle surname

Aduddell, Aduddle, Adduddell, Diddle, Duddle Surname Research:

I have been researching the following family names for the past 7 years. I have included in my file every spelling of these surnames that I could find in primary records in USA, England and Ireland. I have found 24,500 Aduddell/Duddle/Diddle family members:

SOME FAMILY NAMES: Aduddell, Adduddell, Aduddle, Adiddle, Diddle, Diddel, Diddley, Duddle, Deddell, Duddles, Duddell, Duddel, Diddell, Liddell, Duddleston, Duddlestone, Dedel. Dudley is unproven. The Irish spelling should have been written A’Diddle or A’Duddle. The Aduddell/Aduddle names are pronounced long A…Duddle in USA

Using primary records in England, Ireland and USA: the family surnames beginning with “A” were found only in Ireland and USA. The family surnames beginning with “D” were 95% found in English border counties with Wales. Only a few families were found in Wales. In recent times, using telephone books, some Aduddles of various spellings were found in England.

SOME FAMILY HISTORY: WHERE THE NAMES ARE COMING FROM: 1. The original name in England is Diddle/Duddle, which can also be written Diddell or Duddell. When William Diddle 1665/Sarah moved from Astley Abbott, Shropshire, England to the Plantations of Northern Ireland (after 1704) William added the "A" to Diddle/Duddle (A=of or from) for cover from the armies of King Charles II, who was killing Protestants that would not rejoin the Church of England and/or had fought in Cromwell's army which had killed his father, King Charles I. About 18,000 people perished in this purging. 2. It is unclear how many of William 1665/Sarah’s kids came to USA in early 1700s. It is clear that some family remained in Northern Ireland as some relatives living there are using the Adiddle/Aduddle surname. 3. In Astley Abbott, Shropshire, England we find William Diddle 1702 being confirmed in 1704. His parents William/Sarah moved to the Plantations of Northern Ireland after 1704. How many sibling or relatives moved to the Plantations and then to USA is not known. 4. Astley Abbott is about 6 miles from Diddlebury, Shropshire. Diddlebury was named after an Anglo/Saxon chieftain named Duddela. (Bury and ton in old English is a fenced area like a church, pasture, castle which is usually defended). The Ingle/Saxon tribes (German) invaded England beginning in 449 A.D. They killed between 50-100% of the original inhabitants depending on location (DNA). This places the Diddle/Duddle family in English counties bordering Wales. The County of Shropshire was a major war zone with the Welsh for many generations and had the highest number of castles/forts as compared with other English counties. The Ingle tribe(s) were the source of the name England (Ingle land). 5. The Plantations of Northern Ireland were created by the English who felt the land could be developed and used for more than Irish summer grazing. Creating centuries of fighting between the Irish and England. 6. William Aduddle 1702 is documented as a communicant in the Old Tennant Church, in Freehold, Monmouth, New Jersey in 1735-37. William 1702/Jennett Roberts moved from New Jersey to Lower Marion, Philadelphia co, Pennsylvania, leaving some of their kids on the Monmouth farm. William/Jennett’s Pennsylvania farm was purchased from Jennett’s father. 7. William 1702/Jennett’s kids that moved West and North from Penn/NJ into Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, Dakotas areas used the Aduddell/Aduddle spellings, usually simultaneously. 8. William/Jennett’s kids that moved from NJ/Penn to the Virginias, Kentucky, Mississippi areas dropped the “A” immediately using the Diddle spelling. 9. Some Aduddells and Diddles moved to Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas. They also married into the “5 civilized Tribes” (Choctaw primarily, Creek, Cherokee, Seminoles and Chickasaw tribes) and the Oklahoma/Texas Caddo Tribe. 10. All Aduddell/Aduddle surnames are descended from William 1702 or his father, William 1665. Not all Diddle families are descendants of these 2 Williams. 11. European family: Some Diddle, Deddell, Duddleston families came to USA from Germany (primarily), Russia, France and Netherlands-European economic centers. England conscripted Welsh, Irish, Scottish and English into the Army and Navy so you find these family names in English protectorate countries around the world. 12. Education was kindergarten level: (bible reading & simple math) if you were lucky in UK and USA until late 1800s. (5 Diddle family members selling land (USA) and they all signed their name with an X in 1846.) This accounts for most of the vowels being interchanged. Vowel were used like place holders more than used for their specific sounds. The language sounds the same for 'le' and 'ell'. Some people changed their name on purpose (Liddell, Dyddel). Loss of teeth, accent, and how the writer of the name heard the name spoken and his/her education level and abilities also impacted the spelling of names. The penmanship of the writer of the name and what the reader thought the writing said. All these things affect the spelling of names. 13. I have been researching the Aduddell/Diddle extended family lines which include the “5 Civilized Tribes” (Choctaw, Creek, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Seminole) + Caddo tribe. I have 22,000 of these linked family members and 24,500 Aduddell/Diddle family. I share information.

Research of Michael Dana Adduddell b: 1949.