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跋:劉克綸 原石清雍正年間出土,右下角缺,此為清末翻刻。 哈佛大學哈佛燕京圖書館藏

People: Diao Zun 刁遵, Diao Yong 刁雍, 王氏 and 7 others.

远方来客解开韩城程氏程袁联姻之谜 寻亲 家谱 族谱 爱家谱 家谱制作 网络修家谱 微信家谱 百家姓


People: 高氏




People: 李憲 (仲軌), 邢氏, 李希遠 (景沖) and 39 others.



大唐邠王故細人渤海高氏墓誌銘并序 司空上柱國邠王守禮書 洛陽縣鄉貢進士王蕃奉教撰 河南府河南縣感德鄉人李仙琦奉教鐫

People: 高淑嬐 (㛺奴), 高思業, 高智惠 and 1 other.


People: Private and 高義雄


People: Private and 高義雄

Yu-kung Kao, scholar of Chinese literature at Princeton and mentor to generations of students, dies at 87

Princeton University Professor Emeritus of East Asian Studies Yu-kung Kao, a leading scholar of Chinese literature, d...

People: Yu-Kung Kao

Chun-Juan Kao Wang (born January 10, 1928), American Mycology educator | Prabook

Chun-Juan Kao Wang, American Mycology educator. Named one of Women of Distinction in Fields of Science, Medicine and ...

People: June (Chun-Juan) Wang

Gulik, Robbert Hans van (1910-1967)

Resources Huygens ING zijn bronnen die zijn uitgegeven door het Huygens Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis.

People: Robert Hans van Gulik

蔣斯彥 鄉試履歷 1846



People: 蔣斯彥 (子久 碩臣), 蔣明遠 (霽泉 月川), 李氏(一) and 33 others.

陸光熙 會試履歷 1904


光緒甲辰恩科會試 《清代硃卷集成》

People: 陸光熙 (亮臣), 陸怡 (子友 竹窗), 陸榮 (仕英 拙輯) and 87 others.

1-20 of 20 documents