Surnames » Hocking » Documents

All documents associated with this surname

1841 English Census Nicholas Hocking family (name variation from Hocken) is

England Archives Address; St Agnes Watch House Note; Hocken name now adopted to Hocking

People: Nicholas Hocken (Hocking), Judith Glasson, Judith (Julia) Hocking and 2 others.

Discover your family history. Explore the world’s largest collection of free family trees, genealogy records and reso...

People: Elizabeth Hocking, John Hocking and Elizabeth Simpson

Dennis Charles Ernest Hocking (1918 - 1940) - Biography and Family Tree

Dennis Charles Ernest Hocking's bio. Born 1918 and died 1940. Memorialize Dennis's life with photos and stories about...

People: Dennis Charles Ernest Hocking

Harris, Gordon H b 1918-10-27 NSW BDM.pdf

October 7, 1918

Orange, NSW, Australia

NSW BDM, day & mth from elimination searches

People: Private, William Dingle Harris and Mary Elizabeth Harris

Harris, May E b 1912-12-03.pdf

December 3, 1912

Millthorpe, NSW, Australia

NSW BDM, date from elimination searches. Birth was registered in 1913.

People: May E Harris, William Dingle Harris and Mary Elizabeth Harris

Harris, Ronald Edmund, b 1908-10-27 NSW BDM.pdf

October 27, 1908

Orange, NSW, Australia

NSW BDM, day & month from elimination searches

People: Ronald Edmund Harris, William Dingle Harris and Mary Elizabeth Harris

Evans Web Site

People: Private, Private, Ernest Wilfred Butler and 26 others.

1-30 of 563 documents