Surnames » Lagerman » Documents

All documents associated with this surname


People: Private, Private, Private and 91 others.

Upptagningar från Janne Räf och Annmari Lagermans gravvandring nov 2009 med videoinspelning av gravstenstexter.

People: Matilda Palmgren, Gustaf Jäderlund, Ester Maria Qwerina Winberg and 8 others.

Begravda i Sverige (CD)

Släktforskardag i Karlstad 2010 Mar 20.

People: Barn Olsson, Hanna Andersdotter, Birgitta Veronica Transchel and 6 others.


People: Private, Private, Private and 245 others.


People: Private, GUSTAV Ströman, ERIK Gustav Sixten Ströman and 65 others.


People: Private User, Carl Gustaf Sabelfelt, Dagny Viola Ingeborg Minell and 83 others.

Kerstin Lagerman

People: Private, Private, Private and 3 others.

Muntlig eller via Mail

People: Private, Private, Iris Karlén and 83 others.

1-24 of 24 documents