Surnames » Mayerhofer » Documents

All documents associated with this surname


People: Private User, Private, Paul Klein and 85 others.


People: Robert Walter Frank, Private, Andreas Frank and 112 others.

Neuhuber Web Site

People: Private, Private, Michael Doppelhammer and 48 others.


People: Private User, Anton Schatzberger, Martin Schatzberger and 129 others.

Hartl Web Site

People: Private, Private, Maria Wagner and 2305 others.

Henriette Mayerhofer

Photo credit: Barbara Kovács

People: Henriette Tauber (Mayerhofer)

Avdc (2).ged

People: André Van de Caerin, Private, Alois Himetzberger and 120 others.


People: Franz Wanger, Josefa Krundl, Franz Wang and 13 others.

Kaposi, Zoltán: Egy hazai iparvállalat a multinacionális konszern ellen [A Domestic Industrial Company against a Multinational Concern] . Köztes-Európa : társadalomtudományi folyóirat, (6) 1. pp. 61-73. (2014)

Nagykanizsa, Nagykanizsai, Zala, Hungary

Abstract: The study presents a case of the formation of the domestic manufacturing industry, particularly the history...

People: Alajos Tauber, Henriette Tauber (Mayerhofer), Ida Schwarz and 1 other.

Vilma Steiner Jozsef Steiner Marriage Registration

Nagykanizsa, Hungary

"Hungary Civil Registration, 1895-1980," database with images, FamilySearch (

People: Vilma Steiner (Tauber), Dr. Jozsef Steiner, Lipot Leopold Steiner and 2 others.

Pesti Hírlap, 1895. November (17. évfolyam, 300-329. szám)


Nagykanizsa, Nagykanizsai, Zala, Hungary

(Engagement) Dr. József Steiner, a medical practitioner in the capital, married Miss Vilma Tauber, widow. Tauber Henr...

People: Vilma Steiner (Tauber), Dr. Jozsef Steiner and Henriette Tauber (Mayerhofer)

1-30 of 33 documents