Surnames » Nazar » Documents

All documents associated with this surname


People: Private User, Євдокія Киян, Василь Киян and 392 others.

USA, Chicago Tribune - Susie Nazar - January 9, 1942.JPG


Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, United States

People: Susie Nazar and Robert Nazar

Person Details for Susie Nazar, "Illinois, Cook County Deaths, 1878-1994" —


Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, United States

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People: Susie Nazar, Ushana Nazar, Rebecca Baddie and 1 other.

Nazar Passenger List.pdf

May 19, 1903

Hamburg, Germany

Ship Name: Armenia

People: Sebastian Nazar, Kelyna Nazar, Teodosia Nazar and 6 others.

1-21 of 21 documents