Surnames » Paredes » Documents

All documents associated with this surname


People: Private User, Private, Domenico Cornaglia and 511 others.

Discover your family history. Explore the world’s largest collection of free family trees, genealogy records and reso...

People: Buenaventura Poso, Remedios Poso, Egidio Poso and 1 other.

Collell Family Tree.ged

People: Macarena Collell, Private, Jaime Torrent and 23 others.

Defuncion: Maria Angelina Paredes Mendoza

December 8, 1997

Guatemala, Guatemala, Guatemala Guatemala, Guatemala, Guatemala, Registro Civi...

People: Private, Private, Vicente Paredes and 1 other.


People: Private User, Private, Casimiro Moreno Castroviejo and 3791 others.

Portillo-Silva Family Tree.ged

People: Private, Private, Rafael Quintela Silvas, Sr and 196 others.

Matrimonio Civil: Juan Pablo Padilla Monzón y Andrea Nájera Luna

August 21, 1895


Testigos: Ignacio Lemus, Vicente Ramírez, Ignacio Larrave y Juan Antonio Aguirre. Guatemala Civil Registration, 1877...

People: Gen. Juan Pablo F. Padilla Monzón, José María Padilla Pineda, Matea Monzón and 11 others.

Lizares de Talisay, Negros Occidental ? remembrance of things awry

November 24, 2008 at 12:00 pm (Angst, Design and Decoration, Domestic Travels, Random memories, The Global Crowd, The...

People: Rufino Lizares, Bernavela Lizares, Efigenio Treyes “Iniong” Lizares and 25 others.

1-26 of 26 documents