Surnames » Peri » Documents

All documents associated with this surname


People: Private User, Private, Blaise Monteil and 200 others.


June 2, 1859

San Pedro González Telmo, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Capital Federal, Argentina

People: Teresa Bacigalupo and Pietro Peri


People: Private User, Margherita Concetta Antinoro, Luigi Saetta and 2161 others.

1918-08-28 MARRIAGE Sandor VERES to Klotild MELLINGER (linked)

May 28, 1918

Budapest, Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Marraige Record - Sandor VERES (born 3/4/1893, son of Samuel ROTH and Borbala HARTMANN) married Klotild MEL...

People: Private, Private, Dávid Mellinger and 5 others.


People: Private, Arnon Peri, Private and 2 others.

1-30 of 32 documents