Surnames » Piazza » Documents

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People: Private User, Angela Aurora Setien, Zulema Setien and 80 others.


People: Hugues FARINACCI, Private, Private and 215 others.

N. 159, page 116 - atto_nascita_corradin_serafina_1902.jpg

October 14, 1902

Valli Del Pasubio, Province of Vicenza, Veneto, Italy

Certificate N. 159 Picture 116 in the register

People: Serafina Rosalia Corradin, Giacomo Corradin and Erminia Corradin

Portale Antenati - pages 197-206

May 1889

Valli Del Pasubio, Provincia di Vicenza, Veneto, Italy

Matrimoni, allegati

People: Giacomo Corradin, Erminia Corradin, Piero Antonio Corradin and 3 others.

Corradin Antonio - Leva - Arsas - Associazione Recupero Salvaguardia Archivi Storici

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People: Antonio "Toni" Corradin, Giacomo Corradin and Erminia Corradin

Corradin Pietro Antonio - Leva - Arsas - Associazione Recupero Salvaguardia Archivi Storici

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People: Pietro Antonio Corradin, Giacomo Corradin and Erminia Corradin


People: Cris (Christopher B) Piazza, Piazza, Private and 47 others.

Levonian Family Tree.ged

People: Private User, Domenica Stravato, Pasquale Stravato and 19 others.


People: Private User, Private, David Jacobs and 50 others.


People: Gianni Montani, Private, Maria Cattarina Reina and 161 others.

Powers Family Tree.ged

People: Private User, Private, Giuseppe Ippolito and 103 others.

Ancestry Family Trees

People: Private, Arnold Irving Katz, Ethel Kaplan and 1790 others.

1-30 of 125 documents