Surnames » Rolle » Documents

All documents associated with this surname


People: Torsten Beyer, Private, Private and 379 others.


People: Odile Germaine Yvonne AMIOT, Private, Antoine Biet and 1372 others.

Person Details for Cecelia Bartlett Rolle in entry for Flora Louise Rolle, "Bahamas Civil Registration, 1850-1959" —

Discover your family history. Explore the world’s largest collection of free family trees, genealogy records and reso...

People: Flora Louise Wildgoose

The Plantagenet roll of the blood royal; .... Pg. 13

England, United Kingdom

The Plantagenet roll of the blood royal; being a complete table of all the descendants now living of Edward III, King...

People: Arabella Johnson, Isaac Johnson, Esq., Henry Clinton, 2nd Earl of Lincoln and 27 others.

1-30 of 33 documents