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Birth Record of Gedalia Rozenzveig from Piszczac USC office

November 14, 1904

Piszczac, Poland

Birth act 34 registerd in Piszczac Nov 14, 1904 child of Moszko Ber Rozencwejg, 34 and Chai Ruchla Sznajder, 36. birt...

People: Gedalia Rozenzveig, Moshe Ber Rozenzveig and Rachel (Chai Ruchale) Rozenzveig

Birth record of Miriam Rozenzveig from Piszczac USC office.

November 14, 1904

Piszczac, Poland

Birth act 33 registerd in Piszczac Nov 14, 1904 child of Moszko Ber Rozencwejg, 34 and Chai Ruchla Sznajder, 36. birt...

People: Moshe Ber Rozenzveig, Rachel (Chai Ruchale) Rozenzveig and Miriam Rozenzveig

Birth records of Abraham (uncle of my Dad Abraham) and Chaya Rozenzveig from Piszczac USC office

November 14, 1904


Births act 31 and 32 registered in Piszczac Nov 14, 1904 children of Moszko Ber ROZENCWEJG, 34 and Chai Ruchla SZNAJD...

People: Chaya Rozenzveig, Abraham Rozenzveig, Moshe Ber Rozenzveig and 1 other.

2 Pages including 4 Rozenzveig Births, children of Moshe Ber and Ruchale Rozenzveig

November 14, 1904

Piszczac, Poland

Copies of 4 separate birth records on the Rozenzveig family signed in Yiddish by Moshe Ber Rozenzveig from the Piszc...

People: Moshe Ber Rozenzveig, Rachel (Chai Ruchale) Rozenzveig, Abraham Rozenzveig and 3 others.

1-15 of 15 documents