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Erbach Genealogy and Erbach Family History Information

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About the Erbach surname

    "The title of "Graffen zu Erbach" (Counts of Erbach) was bestowed on the family because of the wonderful part they had in the cause of the Reformation.  In fact a castle was bestowed on the family which still stands in the town of Erbach in Germany.  Above the entrance to the castle is the Erbach Cote of Arms carved in stone."  (This was a direct quote from Robert N. Arbaugh's letter to my Grandmother, Velma Pearl (Brown) Pyle whose mother was Ruth Ellen (Arbaugh) Brown.  The Erbach line of descent for our family, (who changed the name to Arbaugh after the move to the United States) is a printed line of descent in Germany. One of my Grandmother's cousins who was named Robert N. Arbaugh, and lived in Carrollton, Ohio had attempted to compile a history beginning in Germany and tracing immigration to the United States and the successive generations. Unfortunately, he is deceased and the only other person I know to search for to get that information is another relative of my Grandmother's named Margie Arbaugh Lamar. I have started searching for her but have not as yet located her.  She was alive in 1964.  Robert's history began in Germany with the year 840 and extending to 1736, that part of it was compiled in German.  I have a letter that he sent to my Grandmother in 1964 stating that he had the printed history of the Erbach line and many of the descendants in the United States. He stated that he had three volumes that were three inches thick each tracing the families beginning and immigration to the United States.  My Grandmother's Arbaugh branch traces back to a Michael Arbaugh (Erbach)  who was said to have been born in Germany.  His grandson was Harvey Arbaugh who was born July 11, 1845 whose parents were George W. Arbaugh and Ruth (Pine) Arbaugh.  When Harvey was about three his family moved to White County, Illinois.  Harvey was a soldier in the Civil War and a member of the Methodist Church. He married Mary Elizabeth Hubbard on Sept.2, 1866 and they had seven children, several of whom died in their younger years. Harvey died Aug. 27, 1896. His wife died May 16, 1928 and both are buried at Philipstown, Ill.  I have other information which I will try to compile on a family tree.  From both oral history from my Grandmother and from Robert Arbaugh's letter, I know that the Erbach family was won from Catholicism to the Protestant cause by immediate association with Martin Luther in person.    Beverly (Pyle) Holding