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Hagford Genealogy and Hagford Family History Information

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About the Hagford surname

Origin: Hagfors comes from the name of the farm or region of Norway where the family lived. Do not be confused with the name of a city in Sweden with the same name. Since, Norway was part of Sweden, two times, during it's history, it would not surprise me, if one area got it's name, from the other, by movement of people. There are many people, living in the Mosjoen, Norway area, who are decedent's of this family. In America, almost all the Hagfors came from the same family, coming in 1914-1919 to a town in Minnesota. There is a few exceptions. An earlier family came before 1900 and settled in Washington state. Another family came from Finland, and I do not know, the connection at this time. The group that came to Minnesota were Nils and Petra Hagfors (Formerly Nilsen). With so many Nelsons coming from Scandinavia, it was a way to identify the family and not be lost in the many Nelsons in America. This is true of many other Scandinavian families, but not all. Now, there is one notable difference, within this family, the HAGFORD group. In 1919, Petra came over to join her husband, Nils who had come in 1914 and their 2 older daughters, Magda and Nina, who had joined their father in 1915. Petra brought the 8 other children and shortly after arriving, the two oldest boys, Olaf and Earl found work at the local lumber yard. As they went to cash their paychecks, someone noticed, the name spell Hagford, rather than Hagfors. They were told, to change that, they would have to go to the courthouse, in Carlton, MN the county seat, and pay $25, each, to register the name change. So, to save $50 they were happy to settle for Hagford. And now, you know!