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About the Homs surname

This page is meant to share knowledge about the nature and origins of the family name Homs. It is uncertain whether all the Homs across geographies are related. In some cases it's obvious they are, in others it isn't. Below is a structure that may help to bring more clarity to the Homs of this world.


An approach to possible origins of the family name Homs from an onomastic perspective.

Homs as a reference to trees

Homs can be related to a tree, the elm, or to a place where there were a lot of elms. Various sources in different languages suggest a relationship between Homs and the tree. Please observe these possibilities :

  • Ulmis (Latin)
  • Elm (English)
  • Orme (French)
  • Olm (Dutch)...

Homs as a reference to a place

In the world of the kingdom of Aragon and, more narrow, the region of the current French Roussillon, Homs can be related to the village of Oms (in the French department of the Aude). This reference is specifically at the source of the name Homs that is relatively widespread in the Spanish world - under two variants: "Homs" and "Oms". It can also be considered the source of the family names "Homs" and "d'Oms" in France.


Catalan/Spanish World

The name versions "Homs" and "d'Oms" can be considered, from a genealogy perspective, to be related to the oldest known ancestor Arnold d'Oms, 'vavasseur' of Montescot. (links will be provided shortly to document this origin)

North American World

The name Homs in the US and Canada emerges from two origins:

  • Descendants from a Catalan/Spanish lineage, that came to North America through Puerto Rico.
  • Descendants from George Holmes, a captain in the English-colonial army that tried to take New Amsterdam (later called Manhattan, NY) from the Dutch settlers. George Holmes was the first 'English' to be accepted by the Dutch to settle in New Amsterdam after the 'English' were defeated - early 17th century. George Holmes was recorded as Jeurgi Homs, and this version of his name persisted in North America

Benelux World

A Dutch Homs family exists, and has developed in the region of today's Dutch province of Limburg. It's oldest ancestor was called Gielis Homms. Two variants of the name for the same family persist, "Homs" and "Hommen". No proof currently exists for any link with other Homs in the world.

  • Some of these Homs currently reside in Belgium
  • There are traces of Homs in Belgium in the 18th century, currently unrelated to the Dutch Homs
  • Some Spanish soldiers called Homs were registered in Ghent in the 17th century, and married locally, but no connection is established between them and the Belgian or Dutch Homs
  • For genealogy and stories about the Hommen/Homs in Maasniel and environs, please see the now digitized book "Onder den Klockenslagh van Neel, Leeuwen en Asenray" by Jan Ruiten here...

Please feel free to add any sources or additional information you may have on the origins of the Homs name on this page.